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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143766

  • [M]FOX#1
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Can u please put "do not enter" signs on my den entrances? :huh:

(To keep Paul from nosing around my tunnels)! :whistle: :lol: :lol:

And a button for Davy Crockett complaints! :woohoo:

And lost points for comments such as...."dead as a fried fuge fox in a fer tree.? :huh: :P

And a "no fox hunting" sign at all the basses! ;)
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143769

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i think it would be cool if u had more planes, missions and maps also if u can have all the people who r n the same squad be on the same team when they play thatd be cool to. also I think its abit unfair and less fun for marshals of any to play with anyone under their rank. it really sux when ur barly on leavel 8 and u cant ever rank up cuz ur to busy getting shot down by marshals. other missions can include something amongs the line of like a team vs team, timed like 15 minutes or so and the team with the most kills win, u can also set up squad tournaments too thatd be awesome. anyways great game and thank u for all that you've done :)
Shooting reds in style

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143770

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And what's with these NO DOGS ALLOWED signs can you take those down? :angry:
I could care....But I dont
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143774

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ParrotHead wrote: It really is extraordinary of you to ask for our input. It is greatly appreciated.

I have new number one on my wish list.

Make hangars immune to friendly fire. This would take most of the sting away from teamkillers.

I agree with parrot 100% here (Even if he has a bird brain) but go farther than just the hangers and make ur bullets,shells, and bombs unable to kill any blues....

i also like the fuel idea, that will cause new stratigies. And instead of u crashing when u run out, be able to parachute or land ur plane and get a tank if not in enemy territory.

can there be a range limit on tanks around carriers like at the bases, cause people wil camp at the carriers and still get the sweet satisfaction of bombing ur boat when they run out of ammo. Its annoying, its like they get their cake (kills) and eat it to (shelling ur boat)

Can u also add more single player missions for when im not home :) im so addicted and go through withdraws when we r far from a wifi spot. Something like a survival mode with difficulty related to ur rank or something like that. And in practice missions, could u make the planes turn more naturally, they seem to only do flat half spins and turn in a square like pattern. I would love like a single player campagn so i can hone my skills even when im not at home.
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143775

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Could you fix the getting kicked from the game? That would be nice.

Flyin and dyin

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143776

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Also ive een thinking, People want to know whos the best right.... have a monthly or every other month, have a Dogfight Tourniment. have it as a free for all and everyone is set at a different base to prevent spawnkills, and once ur down ur done. This would be a cool little competitive think, and like once u get shot down have a camera that pannels from plane to plane so we can watch the dogfights as they happen :)
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143778

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I found a post by blue max. I think i mintioned it here but blue really said it way better.

(Ignore the rudder part. alot of poeple dont seem to like that idea. read the last half of his post)
Blue max said
"I would like to see it. I was thinking about it the other day.

A self centering rudder control. Bottom left of screen. Knob just like the throttle, centered in middle, always goes back to the center after you take your thumb off. Set to the charastics of each plane. More for some, less for others. If it self centered you wouldn't have to use it if you didn't want to. Also would not have to watch and adjust all the time.

The problem with the performance of the planes here is they are all the same. A rudder would add a totally new dimension to dogfights.

I would also like to see the planes differ slightly in the X and Y axis. In other words make the Se5 better in a climb, albatross better in a turn and so on. That way a pilot would always be jockeying for his better position. Trying to force the other guy in to your fight and not his.

It would take some relearning but make the competition fantastic."
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143807

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Introduce a racing game mission(s). Both players begin with the same type aircraft to make it fair. Some variations:
- both start from either airfield and race each other to a fixed point. Whoever reaches it first wins.
- both start from the same airfield to race each other to a finish point.
- races could either be unobstructed, or racers could have to fly through a "slalom" of circles like what are present in the first training mission.
- make it a team race, like a relay, where the next flier on your team can only go once the current racer crosses some boundary.
- begin the races from either a cold start or from some preset altitude, already in the air.
- have up to 8 racers going around a circuit, like the air races of today. What would be really cool is to have special historical racers reserved and used, and only available in these missions.

Just a non violent alternative.
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143810

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Can we have a couple of little ALIENS to go with the UFOs

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143816

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Davy Crockett wrote: Can we have a couple of little ALIENS to go with the UFOs

And if you lose the mother ship beams you up and does unmentionable test on your unmentionable's!!!:)

Flyin and dyin

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143817

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The not being kicked out of game would be awesome!!!

Flyin and dyin
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143822

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Squad servers get my vote. Or one server wich would put players in different games according players squad.

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143825

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Dr Dave wrote:

ParrotHead wrote: It really is extraordinary of you to ask for our input. It is greatly appreciated.

I have new number one on my wish list.

Make hangars immune to friendly fire. This would take most of the sting away from teamkillers.

I'm with the bird on this one. And T R's is good to.

I disagree, although it would eliminate some of the pain of having a teamkiller in the game, I love that if a tank gets into the base and is killing your hangers, you have to choose between bombing it and destroying your hangers and taking a ban, or getting an angle to shoot at him. I think it adds a "Take one for the team" element to the game, that you can sacrifice yourself and your chance of playing that game to keep the tank from destroying all eight. I don't think that the hangers, or planes, should get immunity from friendly fire. It adds an element to the game.

Same goes for the requests for removing the soldier's gun, and the ability to kill a chute. You've got to weigh your chances surviving if you choose to flip around and get rid of the guy you just shot down, or deal with the people in front of you.

Joaquin, you've made a great game here, and there's a lot of room for improvement, of course, but most of it comes from ADDING new variables, new modes, and removing glitches, not pulling away major sourses of firepower and variablility in the game.

However, the idea if flak cannons on tanks, bases, and carriers... I think the idea could be cool. I don't think you could be able to drive a tank with BOTH a gun and a cannon, but maybe you could choose between the two? When you get out as a soldier, there's two tanks stitting there, one with a big flak cannon for dealing with planes, walkers, and possibly even other tanks (thoughts on that, guys?), but not the main targets: hangers and carriers.

Cannons on the boats and around the bases would actually be really cool, provided they weren't dead accurate (Think of the tanks in the practice missions. They're still like that, right?) But if they just kind of spat out bullets in your general direction, just adding another stream of bullets to deal with, that'd be great. Maybe they could be bombed and destroyed, or shot enough and temporarily disabled.

Squad servers would be cool, but not a high priority in my book. What would be cool was a "Friending" feature, which I think was in the works a while ago. Be able to invite people to join your game, if there's room, or at least see when they're online and which of the three areas they're in.

I don't like the idea of a fuel gauge. (I spelled that wrong, right?) Anyway, I feel like a fuel gague - Dammit, how do you spell that? - would not only make going 15-0 in a DF mode unnecessarily difficult, but it'd make flying just for fun hard. If you're not actually playing the game, maybe trying to land upside down, or ontop of a mountain, etc, limited fuel would be irritating.

Oh, number one in my list... Let us fly with the rookies! The newest wave of "aces" seems to be having trouble with the higher level of play. They have to learn on their own, when we're more than happy to help them, and once they get to us, they're used to dominating their seperate, lower ranked games, and don't want to take advice from people.

More maps would be cool, I'm sure someone here could build some nice ones for you, if you'd tell us how you built the first one. The fancy stuff like the bridge and the shacks wouldn't be necessary, just plain terrain, like it used to be.

Yeah, I love the idea of selling paint jobs for real money. They shouldn't be ones that give any actual advantage, they should be something like neon yellow, or bright red, or orange. You could also sell the option to have squad tags, names, etc. written on the wings. Think about how much people pay for camos for their guns in COD, you could rake in some real cash!
See you in the skies!
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143834

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What I would ask my boss for christmas.....

First of all: love the game, really addictive!

Two-seater would be great, gunner was often in the front of the plane, so if he wouldn't have to fly, but have a much better chance of actually hitting an experienced pilot in a head-on fight. Wouldn't that be great for beginning pilots.
It would end the hours and hours we only do head-on duels. A bit more tactics and cunning is required then!

Training missions for tanks.

Parachutist gun is way too powerful, with what are they shooting anyway?

Real bomber-missions and bomber escort missions. Fighters had no bombs, except little ones they dropped by hand out of the plane. Bombers were allmost defenceless, without fighter escort. How's that for a squadron mission?
Working together, a breefing of what is your task in the mission, and the possibility for a 'debreefing' afterwards.
Separate comunication channels, though unrealistic in WW1, would be nice.

A risk of being demoted, for conduct unbecoming an officer!

A mission: 'Strafe enemy airbase', makes everyone happy, and ends the debate on spawn-killing. An element of supprise should be there, enemy appearing out of the blue with a head-start, maybe have to meat at a ralleypoint. Defenders scramble, start their planes out of the hangers to get airborn. If they can't get airborn, they man anti aircraft guns.

Outside of this mission, if you down someone just over the landingstrip (i would add: just coming in from behind!), anti-aircraftguns are sure to get you.

I know it's a lot to ask, but one can dream, can't I?

Great job Zuperman!
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143838

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Gday zups!
Yup the update has some flaws :(
TANK-Flies then drops idk but real wierd.
Respawn-Some reds respawn on the enemy carrier on a btc game.
Thnx for listening zups.

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143841

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The gun used from a parachute is probably a Winchester model 1907, a semiautomatic, magazine fed rifle used commonly in ww1.
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143864

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CalvinIsAwesome wrote:

Dr Dave wrote:

ParrotHead wrote: It really is extraordinary of you to ask for our input. It is greatly appreciated.

I have new number one on my wish list.

Make hangars immune to friendly fire. This would take most of the sting away from teamkillers.

I'm with the bird on this one. And T R's is good to.

I disagree, although it would eliminate some of the pain of having a teamkiller in the game, I love that if a tank gets into the base and is killing your hangers, you have to choose between bombing it and destroying your hangers and taking a ban, or getting an angle to shoot at him. I think it adds a "Take one for the team" element to the game, that you can sacrifice yourself and your chance of playing that game to keep the tank from destroying all eight. I don't think that the hangers, or planes, should get immunity from friendly fire. It adds an element to the game.

I don't want full immunity from friendly fire, just the hangars. It works in the carrier games. The take one for the team aspect is a fairly rare one, in my experience. If there's a teamkiller in the game and he's a big enough pain in the butt, the teams usually cooperate to run him off. The only problem is the TKer has the real ability to impact the game for everyone else by taking a hangar. Take that away and I'd gladly "just deal" with the nuisance of a TKer.

Here's a perfect case in point below. Why should one of those marathon games be ended by an idiot?

Donm775 wrote: Pretty chuffed about this.. :woohoo:

Before tonight I hadn't cracked 100 let alone 200. Was an awsome game, felt like it went on forever, thanks to Ghostrider, Dragon800 and BStrachen, who all broke 100 too. Lost the game in the end thanks to a traitor bombing our own base :(

Fuck this place. Second rate hack playing in a yard that's too big for him.
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143867

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I've been doing a lot of killing with the soldier lately. More often then not I run out of ammo than get killed which forces me to auto-destroy to respawn. One addition I would like to see with the soldier/tank. An option to return to plane.

Right now its Auto-destroy/Quit. I'd like to see Quit/Return to plane or base. It shouldn't count as a crash/death to return to base.

How many times have you turtled a tank and had to be destroyed or kill yourself to get out of it?
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143871

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hammer_tool wrote: A smaller map for dog fight games sometimes you spawn so far away it's a pain.

Squad servers for practice sessions (squads can fund with real money)

Immunity for me so no one can shoot me down ;-)

hey hammy.

Ive read somewhere on the net, that we can use a computer ( good specs. ALIENWARE IS FINE ;) ) CAN BE USED AS A SERVER !!.

We dont need to buy anything or tell zup for buying a special server for squad practice.

For squad practice, south east asian server is the best.
I spent 30 min on that server and found only one player ( ME ).

All we have to do is : squad members decide and choose a time to enter the game.

About new server, anyone of enigma who has a good pc and high speed internet connection maybe able to set up a server with zup's help.....


We need to ask zup.


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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143882

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Also some form of reverse for planes. I get stuck sometimes when under the top carrier deck
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143884

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I don't know about you guys but I'm still hoping for a tank only map. B)


Player since Dec. 30th 2010. (estimate)
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143885

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Just though of another think. Have the spawn points inside the hangers. That will reduce spawnkilling and spawn crashes and pile ups. Just a spitball idea
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143894

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Blue Max Young wrote: I've been doing a lot of killing with the soldier lately. More often then not I run out of ammo than get killed which forces me to auto-destroy to respawn. One addition I would like to see with the soldier/tank. An option to return to plane.

Right now its Auto-destroy/Quit. I'd like to see Quit/Return to plane or base. It shouldn't count as a crash/death to return to base.

How many times have you turtled a tank and had to be destroyed or kill yourself to get out of it?

And u please fix the crazy aiming controls when shooting from the ground!

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143896

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Hangar immunity from team killing, absolutely. A couple fellow Moderators and I have discussed this and agree that it would be a significant deterrent to game ruiners.

Customization of planes should be as flexible and detailed as possible, ideally with not only the ability to paint different components different solid colors but also importing of graphics that could be used as squad emblem, personal insignia or decals covering whole wing or fuselage surfaces or entire aircraft. If you want your plane covered in Miley Cyrus lips - and who wouldn't? - with your squad's logo on the wing planes and your initials or self-portrait or pic of your pet guinea pig (coincidentally also named Miley Cyrus) on the fuselage, you can have it just so. True, we don't get long, lingering ĺooks at planes during combat but we see each other's planes on the strip, on deck, gathered on the bridge for a photo op, parked cockeyed in the tow-away zone in front of the saloon. Limited paint options would exhaust their novelty value fast. I've seen detailed customization capabilities in other games. Possibly too elaborate for Dogfight but if not it would be crazy cool.

Another "capture" type mission would be observation. The objective: penetrate into enemy territory, photograph troop movements, trenches, trains, artillery, ammo dumps... with one two-player observation plane - crewed by a pilot and a gunner/photographer - and two single seat fighter escorts. This would be about as historically accurate a mission as you'd ever see in a WWI aviation sim. Fly across the lines, seek out the target(s), (which should be generated randomly to keep from growing too predictable) fend off enemy fighters, avoid AA fire, capture the required photos (you must be centered over the target or the camera snap won't give you the green light) then get the hell outta there and back to your base without being shot down, losing the photos and having to start from scratch... or losing the mission if one attempt is all you get.

Someone mentioned ground strafing. Brilliant. Low level flying, vulnerable to ground fire... machine-gunning accuracy tested on a range of targets - possibly the same troops, convoys, boats, etc, from the observation mission - scattered around the map, in tricky locations, (under the bridge, behind a stand of trees, under Miley Cyrus, etc) in what would amount to a stunting or barnstorming mission without losing the flava of WWI combat.

Matter of fact, I'd love to see the WWII carrier replaced by a period correct destroyer, troop transport ship and/or other smaller escort craft that would be bombed in exactly the same way the carrier is now. Historical accuracy rocks. Planes could take off from bases as would logically have been the case. Fly from base to enemy lake and destroy not one large but three smaller boats, say a 5 hit battleship, a 3 hit transport and a 2 hit sub. Wee.

Yes, I did use the word "flava", and yes, I am incredibly white.


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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143901

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Blue Max Young wrote: I've been doing a lot of killing with the soldier lately. More often then not I run out of ammo

I could care....But I dont
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143906

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How about a way to spectate!

With squad wars there will be some tournaments to watch.

How could this work?
Be able to choose to watch from the different pilot's perspectives?
Observation towers? Several set locations to view from.
An invisible, maneuverable platform?

It could create some inadvertent spying issues. :huh:

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143909

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I have a idea.
Instead of painting your planes like stolen cars....
And making the game a graffiti exhibit.

have personalized figures in the cockpit!

Want tighter formations?
Looking into each others cockpits for a look at the pilot would definitely bring formations together! :woohoo:

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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143918

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how about some randomly placed flak guns around the map? I looked it up, they made them, they where horribly inaccurate, mainly just ground implacements fixed to aim and shoot up. But it would still be a cool little idea.And be able to bomb them or disable them for say 5-10mins.

reason I posted this idea, is i seen some clouds shaped like flak puffs and went flying through them picturing them shooting at me. Seemed cool.
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What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143928

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Clouds !!!!! Kestrel's suggestion reminded me. I've always thought the option to turn clouds off takes away from strategy.

I'd like to see the clouds on at all times (no option to remove clouds). On an moving around not static. Some games could be clear and some cloudy or develop clouds/clear off after a point in the game. A player could use the clouds to hide. It would need to hide the names and squad tags. If you can't see planes then you can't see the tags.

It would be nice to be able to make a run for the clouds if you needed to or pounce down out of them. It would shuffle dogfights higher off the ground. I hate worm burner dogfights. Altitude is your friend.
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Last edit: by BlüEMäX.

What you want me to do for the next Dogfight? 11 years 2 months ago #143931

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Good idea blue.

On another note. In my opinion ground is my friend. If u know what ur doing u can run whoevers on ur tell into the ground as a last resort of u cant,out turn them :p
Retired in the skies of Dogfight.
Raising Hell in the skies of Warthunder

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