Dr Dave wrote:
ParrotHead wrote: It really is extraordinary of you to ask for our input. It is greatly appreciated.
I have new number one on my wish list.
Make hangars immune to friendly fire. This would take most of the sting away from teamkillers.
I'm with the bird on this one. And T R's is good to.
I disagree, although it would eliminate some of the pain of having a teamkiller in the game, I love that if a tank gets into the base and is killing your hangers, you have to choose between bombing it and destroying your hangers and taking a ban, or getting an angle to shoot at him. I think it adds a "Take one for the team" element to the game, that you can sacrifice yourself and your chance of playing that game to keep the tank from destroying all eight. I don't think that the hangers, or planes, should get immunity from friendly fire. It adds an element to the game.
Same goes for the requests for removing the soldier's gun, and the ability to kill a chute. You've got to weigh your chances surviving if you choose to flip around and get rid of the guy you just shot down, or deal with the people in front of you.
Joaquin, you've made a great game here, and there's a lot of room for improvement, of course, but most of it comes from ADDING new variables, new modes, and removing glitches, not pulling away major sourses of firepower and variablility in the game.
However, the idea if flak cannons on tanks, bases, and carriers... I think the idea could be cool. I don't think you could be able to drive a tank with BOTH a gun and a cannon, but maybe you could choose between the two? When you get out as a soldier, there's two tanks stitting there, one with a big flak cannon for dealing with planes, walkers, and possibly even other tanks (thoughts on that, guys?), but not the main targets: hangers and carriers.
Cannons on the boats and around the bases would actually be really cool, provided they weren't dead accurate (Think of the tanks in the practice missions. They're still like that, right?) But if they just kind of spat out bullets in your general direction, just adding another stream of bullets to deal with, that'd be great. Maybe they could be bombed and destroyed, or shot enough and temporarily disabled.
Squad servers would be cool, but not a high priority in my book. What would be cool was a "Friending" feature, which I think was in the works a while ago. Be able to invite people to join your game, if there's room, or at least see when they're online and which of the three areas they're in.
I don't like the idea of a fuel gauge. (I spelled that wrong, right?) Anyway, I feel like a fuel gague - Dammit, how do you spell that? - would not only make going 15-0 in a DF mode unnecessarily difficult, but it'd make flying just for fun hard. If you're not actually playing the game, maybe trying to land upside down, or ontop of a mountain, etc, limited fuel would be irritating.
Oh, number one in my list... Let us fly with the rookies! The newest wave of "aces" seems to be having trouble with the higher level of play. They have to learn on their own, when we're more than happy to help them, and once they get to us, they're used to dominating their seperate, lower ranked games, and don't want to take advice from people.
More maps would be cool, I'm sure someone here could build some nice ones for you, if you'd tell us how you built the first one. The fancy stuff like the bridge and the shacks wouldn't be necessary, just plain terrain, like it used to be.
Yeah, I love the idea of selling paint jobs for real money. They shouldn't be ones that give any actual advantage, they should be something like neon yellow, or bright red, or orange. You could also sell the option to have squad tags, names, etc. written on the wings. Think about how much people pay for camos for their guns in COD, you could rake in some real cash!