#1 On my list is smoothing out the steep hill next to the allies base side, and carrier some. It's a huge tactical advantage for the Germans, a tanks dream. Better landmark to tell where the enemy territory line is for chute timing, allies having to fly up and over then cut back around to attack a tank exposing your six, it's normally leaves less time to take shots before pulling up to avoid the hill, Germans have the high ground to shoot from, and other tactical maneuvers Germans use that I wont share so I don't have to fight against it
Though I think most know what I'm talking about.
Though the German side is an open terrain making ally tanks easy pickings by comparison.
Parachute not being so deadly, it's worse then a plane sometimes to fight. As it makes a perfect gun platform, more stable, quicker to aim, and harder to hit then a plane. Perhaps slower to turn, less ammo, slower fire rate, easier to hit... or some combo of some of theses. I don't want it to be to easy to shoot down, but far less dangerous.
Making it so that PC users can buy in game cash as well. This would I hope bring in more money for you.
Key, and button re-mapping. The ability to customize your controls partly or fully.
A way to adjust the size of the combat info, and chat on the right screens side. Also a way to adjust the max length any text line can cover of your screen before becoming a second line.
Thanks for all your work Zuperman!