Ok, i've read them all and began creating a list. Lot of cool ideas and some can be done some cannot. It depends on the time and $ I need for it all.
Bugs that are repeatedly mentioned, that I know about and that will be fixed:
Spawn crashes and imbalanced games.
Bug mentioned a lot that I believe was fixed last week:
Ghosting on windows 8 and windows phone. If you still see ghosting, let me know, I haven’t for over a week. It was a pain to fix this one.
List so far of potential new additions (up to page #3):
Blue Max Young, tKestrel: Add Fokker DVII and upgrade the tri planes, or add purchasable upgrades for all other planes.
tKestrel: mission protecting wwi bombers. A figure in cockpit. Own custom squad insignia.
Worcester Sauce: control guns on carriers. Maybe control the zep.
Manfred: make graphics options more detailed so that we can adjust it better.
Madtothebone1: darker water/greenish brown with reflections.
2storm2: all I want for Christmas is to fix ghosting = Santa already fixed it, isn’t it?
Whosethisguy: a MORAF paint job on the allied side. Finish the moderator panels.
Kevy: bomb the base games allow for carriers take off (maybe new type of mission)
General Jackson: anti aircraft guns controlled by soldiers.
Dixieconfederate: don’t leave the carriers so defenseless.
Big tex: playable two seaters and redesign the tanks for WWI. Add the option to switch planes after you respawn.
Frank Baracca: some way to see the chat after a game has ended. Move the bomb view on the right so that it doesn’t cover the chat area.
Vonkopp: zep games should be 2, one for each side.
McFate: some missions ideas like capture the flag, capture airfield, etc.
Davy Crockett: a couple of UFOs fl.. wait, it’s Davy.
CalvinIsAwesome: some kind of prisoners mission.
Madtothebone1: video capture
Slenderman: more planes and upgrade options to spend the gold coins in.
Big Tex: team chat and practice rooms for noobies.
[ws]hd: option to get out of plane and walk around
J4ff: gain points for sitting on carrier. Team Dogfight.
Gizmo541: lights on the trees for Christmas
Cricket: a clock that shows up how long the round lasted. Radar towers to limit radar range.
JohnII: option to adjust sensitivity for each: plane, person and tank. Destroy convoy mission.
Stuart: he wrote a phd thesis. Page #2
Davy Corckett: I just want a couple of UFOs… wait, davy again.
ZandorHawke: when planes crash, both should crash. When it crashes on parachute, bring down the parachute too.
Wigbomb: a balloon busting mission. Terrain variations.
McFate: mission to check off certain way points, land at places and destroy certain targets.
Longrifle: overheat the guns to prevent long bursts.
Avma: put a server indicator so you know which zone you are in to be able to reconnect
This is it so far, up to page #3, keep them coming! I’ll post more when I organize a bit the ideas.