I agree with kestrel about adding a rudder slider. It would open the door to some much more interesting dogfights and level the playing field a bit, but might i add that maybe some instability should be added such as a stall spin if you're on the rudder too long?
Also here's my wish list:
1) some dedicated bomber aircraft like the handley page 0/400 and the german gotha bomber
2) a choose your side tab when entering a match so that if you get disconnected you can return to the same side you were on
3)customizable paint jobs for our planes would be cool
4)some new maps and missions would make it more interesting i think
5)an x wing, just kidding
6) an option to get out of the plane and walk around, maybe grab a drink at the bar, you know us pilot types are heavy drinkers
7)an option to man aaa guns at the friendly base or carrier on respawn if its under attack
and this is probably one of the more important ones is a practice mode for squads to practice together in as well as help noobies hone their skills like big tex said. I have an idea of how i'd like my squad to fly when they're together in a match, but unfortunately ive only ever seen more than two of my squadmates a grand total of three times in the months since i started the wraiths and we didnt come close to what i wanted to see bc we cant practice together. Hope this all helps zup, and happy holidays from all the wraiths!