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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277412

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Well ik how to take em out now lol
The Brandyman can.....

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277413

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[M] F¡rst Blood wrote: Hi guys i am here only to say that Kaco (Brazucas MORAF) and some others brazucas members approves Charles's behavior, so make no mistake, they will continue with foul play, be attentive to collect evidence and banish those that ruining the game.


Novamente nessa lista :woohoo:
Falem bem, falem mal, mais falem de mim :kiss:


This !!!
Again this list :woohoo:
Speak well, speak evil, more talk about me :kiss:

:evil: :evil:
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277425

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For those who does not knows Kaco he is the genius behind Zup's spawn kill. :S :S :S


I'm a cold heartbreaker, fit ta burn
And I'll rip your heart in two.
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277443

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I always believed that Charles usa was a annoying kid, maybe 12 years old, but someone uploaded his pic and wow!!!!
he is an adult, omg!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


I'm a cold heartbreaker, fit ta burn
And I'll rip your heart in two.

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277446

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Honestly? I'm a little sad. Charles was good to fly against when he wasn't an ass.

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into thy bosom’s core
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277447

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Voce e pior que eu imaginava. Cara deixa de babar ovo dos gringos cara.

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277448

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To give credit where credit is due. I was in a game a few days ago with Charlie, and he actually played 100% fair. I even thanked him for his fair play.

With that said, I still wouldn't trust him to not go back to his dirty ways.
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277452

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Im sorry to see any player with his ability get banned but if you see the video he is spawn killing noobs on the runway over and over the video isnt the thing that got charles banned or me sending the link it was charles own actions and him chosing to ignore the pleas of people asking him to stop
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277466

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I was in that game with you, Eagle, and it was a damn good one.

Dog, nothing you did got Charles banned. He did it himself. Sorry about it, but it is what it is.

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into thy bosom’s core
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277612

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[M] F¡rst Blood wrote: I always believed that Charles usa was a annoying kid, maybe 12 years old, but someone uploaded his pic and wow!!!!
he is an adult, omg!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


First, você é o maior hipócrita que conheço, se você se esqueceu, tenho um Print, do seu antigo esquadrão ACESS HIGH, onde você era o MORAF. Suas regras nesse esquadrão, você apoiava tudo, esqueceu. Logo vou postar esse Print, para quem ainda não conhece você, conhecerá melhor, o tipo de pessoa que você é. Tenha sua opinião própria meu caro, não seje uma Maria Vai Com As Outras.
Uma das regras de seu antigo esquadrão era:

Palavras de First:

Sem regras, Sem lei, Sem piedade, somente diversão.

Logo vem mais.

O mais engraçado e patético, é que você joga há quase 2 anos, e há 6 meses atrás você fez sua postagem, com essas regras no seu antigo esquadrão (claro que você já editou aquelas postagens, imediatamente após eu lhe ameaçar, mais fui mais rápido meu caro, tirei um Print). Quer dizer que você mudou, depois de jogar DOGFIGHT por mais 1 ano, e você condenando Charles Usa, que joga há 3 meses.
Você falou o que quis sobre mim, após o fato com o ZUP. Sendo que um mês antes, você aprovava os atos.
O que você fez com aqueles pobres pilotos, que pertenciam ao seu esquadrão. Fez a mesma coisa que fez com Charles, ou comigo.

Você acha que tem moral de falar algo.

:evil: :evil:
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277613

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[M] F¡rst Blood wrote: For those who does not knows Kaco he is the genius behind Zup's spawn kill. :S :S :S


First, você é o maior hipócrita que conheço, se você se esqueceu, tenho um Print, do seu antigo esquadrão ACESS HIGH, onde você era o MORAF. Suas regras nesse esquadrão, você apoiava tudo, esqueceu. Logo vou postar esse Print, para quem ainda não conhece você, conhecerá melhor, o tipo de pessoa que você é. Tenha sua opinião própria meu caro, não seje uma Maria Vai Com As Outras.
Uma das regras de seu antigo esquadrão era:

Palavras de First:

Sem regras, Sem lei, Sem piedade, somente diversão.

Logo vem mais.

O mais engraçado e patético, é que você joga há quase 2 anos, e há 6 meses atrás você fez sua postagem, com essas regras no seu antigo esquadrão (claro que você já editou aquelas postagens, imediatamente após eu lhe ameaçar, mais fui mais rápido meu caro, tirei um Print). Quer dizer que você mudou, depois de jogar DOGFIGHT por mais 1 ano, e você condenando Charles Usa, que joga há 3 meses.
Você falou o que quis sobre mim, após o fato com o ZUP. Sendo que um mês antes, você aprovava os atos.
O que você fez com aqueles pobres pilotos, que pertenciam ao seu esquadrão? Fez a mesma coisa que fez com Charles, ou comigo?

Você acha que tem moral de falar algo.

:evil: :evil:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Von Xapa

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277633

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Kaco, vulgo "Viúva do Charles USA" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eu já postei isto na página do seu esquadrão, talvez você tenha "relaxado" muito ultimamente :whistle: e seus neurônios já não estão mais funcionando, por isto me dei ao trabalho de colocar o link para você ler.


Em resumo o AH foi criado justamente para instruir noobs (ao contrário do Brazuscas, lá só tinha noob, não era preciso ter level para entrar) em como defender-se de covardes, baixos, desprezíveis tais como o Charles USA.Logo após criar o esquadrão eu os deixei e ingressei em outro.

De lá para cá eu amadureci algumas idéias, sim mudei alguns pensamentos, ao contrário de você, seu Hipócrita com "H" maiúsculo, que recebeu minhas reclamações lá na página de seu esquadrão, me enviou PM dizendo que ia tomar as providências (eu ainda tenho ela arquivada e vou postar), quando na verdade, deu os parabéns para o Charles, pois o mesmo Charles permaneceu no esquadrão fazendo merdas cada vez maiores, trazendo vergonha ao bom nome do Brazuscas e forçando pilotos honestos e admiráveis a abandonar o time, até o dia em que ele foi banido pelo Zuperman.

Me responda Kaco, você é um grande bunda mole que não teve coragem de expulsar o Charles USA ou você é um grande Hipócrita que diz que mudou, mas não mudou porque apóia as atitudes do seu piloto?

Eu nunca fui banido, você já foi, eu nunca apoiei perdedores,trapaceiros, você apóia, nunca nenhum piloto saiu do esquadrão ao qual eu pertenço por minha causa, você já perdeu pelo menos três (e vai perder mais alguns), te resta alguma dúvida sobre a minha e a sua moral?São incomparáveis.

E para finalizar, você está levando as coisas muito a sério, vai "relaxar" :whistle: , e se você não concorda comigo e com os demais, resolva nos céus de dogfight (enquanto você ainda tiver conta, porque se continuar assim, em breve será banido também). :P :P ;)

I'm a cold heartbreaker, fit ta burn
And I'll rip your heart in two.
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277637

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I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
The following user(s) said Thank You: [*M]Skyripper, [M] F¡rst Blood, Kaco.

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277641

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First Blood is first class. I don't care what he was before, he's a fantastic and clean player. He deserves to be a Misfit.

Charles? I spawned into a ctf game with him. Just the two of us. He had already grabbed the flag and was just lingering behind the airstrip for points. Played one game with him where he decided to play honest, and it was a good game.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in this game, you have good players and assholes. Charles picked asshole even though he didn't have to. It wasn't just one person that reported him that ended up in him getting banned. Several had to. Get over it.

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into thy bosom’s core
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277646

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Husky Dog {WP} wrote: First Blood is first class. I don't care what he was before, he's a fantastic and clean player. He deserves to be a Misfit.

Charles? I spawned into a ctf game with him. Just the two of us. He had already grabbed the flag and was just lingering behind the airstrip for points. Played one game with him where he decided to play honest, and it was a good game.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in this game, you have good players and assholes. Charles picked asshole even though he didn't have to. It wasn't just one person that reported him that ended up in him getting banned. Several had to. Get over it.

Multiple reports, countless screenshots, and a video, so kt wasnt just me or just fordt or just dog, it was sort of a team effort to get him outta here, we like fair clean games....we armt gonna let one person ruin an amazing game for us
The Brandyman can.....
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277715

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Aqui uma prova atual do Piloto totalmente correto. Correto ao ver dele. Ao ser abatido, logo em seguida já aparece com o tanke na Base, o que vocês acham de Glitche?
Esqueci que ele pode e ninguem mais pode.
Pobres pilotos que estavam nessa partida, uma partida tão boa, e ele nem se preocupo com os outros pilotos, que participavam de uma boa partida disputada e divertida. Mais não repitam isso meus jovens jogadores, porque serão punidos se fizer. Ele não, nem se quer é citado na Black List, xiuuuuuuuu.
Pobres pilotos que um dia acreditaram nele, que ele zelava por uma boa partida, sem que ninguém a estragasse. Mais ele tá é preocupado com o seu ranking, fodass... a partida, e quem nela esteja jogando. Ele quer é os hangares. Papinho furado desse cara de querer um bom jogo, mais não perde tempo para se aproveitar de glitche.

Vejam que ele foi abatido por VON XAPA, e em seguida já aparece com o tanke na base inimiga!


Tradutor google:

Here a current proof of Pilot entirely correct. Right to see it. To be shot, then immediately already appears to tanke the base, what do you think of Glitche?
I forgot that it can and no one else can.
Pilots who were poor in that match, a game so good, and he did not even care to the other drivers, attending a good game played and fun. Most do not repeat that my young players, they will be punished if they do. It does not, is not even mentioned in the Black List, xiuuuuuuuu.
Pilots poor who once believed in him, he took care of a good game without anyone to spoil. More is he's concerned about his ranking, fodass ... the match, and who it is playing. He wants is the hangars. Chat stuck this guy wanting a good game, do not lose more time to take advantage of glitche.

See that he was shot down by VON xapA, and then already appears to tanke the enemy base!

:evil: :evil:
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277716

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[M] F¡rst Blood wrote: Kaco, vulgo "Viúva do Charles USA" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eu já postei isto na página do seu esquadrão, talvez você tenha "relaxado" muito ultimamente :whistle: e seus neurônios já não estão mais funcionando, por isto me dei ao trabalho de colocar o link para você ler.


Em resumo o AH foi criado justamente para instruir noobs (ao contrário do Brazuscas, lá só tinha noob, não era preciso ter level para entrar) em como defender-se de covardes, baixos, desprezíveis tais como o Charles USA.Logo após criar o esquadrão eu os deixei e ingressei em outro.

De lá para cá eu amadureci algumas idéias, sim mudei alguns pensamentos, ao contrário de você, seu Hipócrita com "H" maiúsculo, que recebeu minhas reclamações lá na página de seu esquadrão, me enviou PM dizendo que ia tomar as providências (eu ainda tenho ela arquivada e vou postar), quando na verdade, deu os parabéns para o Charles, pois o mesmo Charles permaneceu no esquadrão fazendo merdas cada vez maiores, trazendo vergonha ao bom nome do Brazuscas e forçando pilotos honestos e admiráveis a abandonar o time, até o dia em que ele foi banido pelo Zuperman.

Me responda Kaco, você é um grande bunda mole que não teve coragem de expulsar o Charles USA ou você é um grande Hipócrita que diz que mudou, mas não mudou porque apóia as atitudes do seu piloto?

Eu nunca fui banido, você já foi, eu nunca apoiei perdedores,trapaceiros, você apóia, nunca nenhum piloto saiu do esquadrão ao qual eu pertenço por minha causa, você já perdeu pelo menos três (e vai perder mais alguns), te resta alguma dúvida sobre a minha e a sua moral?São incomparáveis.

E para finalizar, você está levando as coisas muito a sério, vai "relaxar" :whistle: , e se você não concorda comigo e com os demais, resolva nos céus de dogfight (enquanto você ainda tiver conta, porque se continuar assim, em breve será banido também). :P :P ;)

:P :P :P :P :P

Diga o que quiser, não baixo ao seu nível no vocabulário. Quando e se você tiver, provas contra mim, fazendo esses atos, apresente-as, se você conseguir apresente-as...

Me responda Kaco, você é um grande bunda mole que não teve coragem de expulsar o Charles USA ou você é um grande Hipócrita que diz que mudou, mas não mudou porque apóia as atitudes do seu piloto?
Perae, vo baixar o nivel sim. Leia com muita atenção seu escroto:
Eu penso com o meu time, o reflexo dessas mudanças, foi porque diversos jogadores pensam assim, inclusive eu. E não dou bola, para essas regrinhas que você chamava de viadisse.

De lá para cá eu amadureci algumas idéias, sim mudei alguns pensamentos, ao contrário de você, seu Hipócrita com "H" maiúsculo.
Sou hipócrita, tanto quanto você. Se você tivesse honra no meio dessas pernas, e admitisse ter mudado, e fosse homem, nunca teria editado essas regras lá no fórum, seu CARA DE PAU.
E se me baniram naquela ocasião, foi porque eu fui troxa mesmo, em ter lido aquelas suas regras, postadas 1 mês antes da minha ocasião com o Zuper, e ter acreditado em você. A culpa é de quem? Quem é o hipócrita da história?
Posso ser hipócrita, mais so homem de assumir meus atos, seu ....

Vejam o link, qual era o pensamento dele a respeito de vocês pilotos

Google Tradutor:

Say what you want, not down to their level vocabulary. When and if you have, the evidence against me, doing these acts, present them, if you can present them ...

Answer me Kaco, you're a big asshole who did not dare expel Charles USA or you are a big hypocrite who says that has changed but has not changed because it supports the actions of his driver?
Perae, vo lower the level yes. Read carefully his scrotum:
I think with my team, the reflection of these changes was because many players think so, myself included. And do not give ball, for these little rules you called viadisse.

Since then I matured some ideas, but changed some thoughts, unlike you, you hypocrite with "H" capital.
I am hypocritical, as much as you. If you had honor among these legs, and admitted to have changed, and were a man, I would never have published these rules there forum, your FACE PAU.
And if banned me at that time, it was because I was even troxa, having read those your rules, posted one month before my time with the Zuper, and have believed you. Blame it on who? Who is the hypocrite of history?
Can I be a hypocrite, more so man to take my actions, your ....

See the link, which was his thinking about you pilots

kiss :kiss: First

:evil: :evil:
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277719

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[M]Comet wrote: I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.

You will for sure, you know where to find me! :P

:evil: :evil:

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277720

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Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.

You will for sure, you know where to find me! :P

:evil: :evil:

Careful what you wish for. You may not like it too much. I'm not looking for trouble, but I don't back away from it either...
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
The following user(s) said Thank You: [*M]Skyripper, [M] F¡rst Blood, Kaco.

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277721

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DDtd| Mr.Brandman wrote:

Husky Dog {WP} wrote: First Blood is first class. I don't care what he was before, he's a fantastic and clean player. He deserves to be a Misfit.

Charles? I spawned into a ctf game with him. Just the two of us. He had already grabbed the flag and was just lingering behind the airstrip for points. Played one game with him where he decided to play honest, and it was a good game.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in this game, you have good players and assholes. Charles picked asshole even though he didn't have to. It wasn't just one person that reported him that ended up in him getting banned. Several had to. Get over it.

Multiple reports, countless screenshots, and a video, so kt wasnt just me or just fordt or just dog, it was sort of a team effort to get him outta here, we like fair clean games....we armt gonna let one person ruin an amazing game for us

he ruined a game yes, and this fact makes few days ago, and Charles Uses was not playing.
It seems to me, it is correct only when playing with you

:evil: :evil:

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277722

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[M]Comet wrote:

Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.

You will for sure, you know where to find me! :P

:evil: :evil:

Careful what you wish for. You may not like it too much. I'm not looking for trouble, but I don't back away from it either...

Careful what you wish for. :P :P :P :P

:evil: :evil:

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277724

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Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote:

Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.

You will for sure, you know where to find me! :P

:evil: :evil:

Careful what you wish for. You may not like it too much. I'm not looking for trouble, but I don't back away from it either...

Careful what you wish for. :P :P :P :P

Is there an echo here? Come up with something original when you respond.

You think I'm afraid of you and your shitty insignificant squad of cheats and hacks? Bring it and bring your 3rd world lagging Internet connection...that's the only way you clowns can accomplish anything.

You're so upset that a cheater got banned...you should have been banned for tank spawn killing Zuperman. Nice example you have set.

You want to pick a fight? I'm all in asshole.
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277725

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[M]Comet wrote:

Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote:

Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.

You will for sure, you know where to find me! :P

:evil: :evil:

Careful what you wish for. You may not like it too much. I'm not looking for trouble, but I don't back away from it either...

Careful what you wish for. :P :P :P :P

Is there an echo here? Come up with something original when you respond.

You think I'm afraid of you and your shitty insignificant squad of cheats and hacks? Bring it and bring your 3rd world lagging Internet connection...that's the only way you clowns can accomplish anything.

You're so upset that a cheater got banned...you should have been banned for tank spawn killing Zuperman. Nice example you have set.

You want to pick a fight? I'm all in asshole.

Ok, come fight me bully.
I regret to inform, my connection is not 3G not. May I introduce you another connection type 3k, 3 kicks your ass
:P :P :P :P

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277730

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Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote:

Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote:

Kaco. wrote:

[M]Comet wrote: I stand beside First Blood, my squad mate. He isn't alone, I'll fly with him any day.

You will for sure, you know where to find me! :P

:evil: :evil:

Careful what you wish for. You may not like it too much. I'm not looking for trouble, but I don't back away from it either...

Careful what you wish for. :P :P :P :P

Is there an echo here? Come up with something original when you respond.

You think I'm afraid of you and your shitty insignificant squad of cheats and hacks? Bring it and bring your 3rd world lagging Internet connection...that's the only way you clowns can accomplish anything.

You're so upset that a cheater got banned...you should have been banned for tank spawn killing Zuperman. Nice example you have set.

You want to pick a fight? I'm all in asshole.

Ok, come fight me bully.
I regret to inform, my connection is not 3G not. May I introduce you another connection type 3k, 3 kicks your ass
:P :P :P :P

Nice to see a leader of a squad defend the integrity of his internet connection, but no mention about the integrity of his squad. Now that's leadership...

Need I say more...see you in the skies.
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
The following user(s) said Thank You: [*M]VonHuLK, [*M]Skyripper, Viper10{WP}, [M] F¡rst Blood

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #277759

  • {GI} E*A*G*L*E
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Dix, I usually just hit brakes and tell the reds what is going on, and that the team killer is free game.

When you have understanding reds, they will take care of the team killers without bombing until the team killer leaves, then you can return to a fair game.

The problem is when you have reds that don't want to help out and decide to bomb anyway.
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #278020

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M.O.R.A.F. Wilbo, Tankspawnkilling. Nothing else to say...

ALL IN 100%
The following user(s) said Thank You: [*M]Skyripper, Doggy Dix, {GI} E*A*G*L*E, [M] F¡rst Blood

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #278068

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Another dropper P-U-T-O, acting just like Bubi does.

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #278118

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E*A*G*L*E wrote:

Stormbringerfast wrote: We have a new spawnkiller in df. Quark, Brigadier General 1. Kept me down from lifting off the air strip. He did the same thing in dogfight. Be careful of him.


He isn't a new spawn killer, he's been banned for such things three times already. Also in world chat he said he will keep doing it.

Now as to a tank spawn killer, we can add to the list Captain Bravefart.

Fair one, apologies, DF is an aerial scrap. The option to jump in a tank was novel and effective (I think I managed a hit lol). First offence, promise not to go near a tank in DF again, even if I'm seeing red mist and only need one more kill to win, or that I left my flask of coffee in there.
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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #278196

  • [LB] Pedrinho
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Stirlington is his name.
Low rank.
Minutes ago, just me and him against two reds.
He shot me from behind just after taking off.
I killed him, and told him to stop it.
Then, he tanked, and went to our base, and begun to bomb hangars.
When we told him (me and reds) to stop it, he laughed and mocked, saying "pffff".
I didnt take screenshots, sorry.

Edit: AOV Dragon Levi was on that game, he can confirm it.

Edit 2: SERIOUSLY, GUYS??????? Are you blacklisting players just for DROPPING????
Oh, my...

I took the RED PILL!
The following user(s) said Thank You: [*M]VonHuLK, Acegirl, [*M]Comet, [M] F¡rst Blood, Roamer{W.P***}

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Official blacklist thread 9 years 5 months ago #278796

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this guy- bommenlos- was shooting to all blue teammates,..trying to kill

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