gunnerzz wrote: Thanks wigbomb for prace now what are we gonna do about eddie rickenbur hes on last 3 pages and still nothing I dont under stand why hes not been punished??how long can his poor game play continue?
Gunnerzz and gang, Eddie Rickenberg
has been banned, more than once. I've banned him once, myself, and I'm quite sure he's been sent to his room without any Dogfight by at least one other Mod. He's bombarded me with PMs promising to behave then immediately spewed anti-me vitriol in World Chat. Most recently he asked if I'd help him retire his Eddie Rickenberg2 account so he could go back to playing his Eddie Rickenberg account. Like that makes any sense. Like that's my domain. Like I care. No sooner did I tell him to simply let the second account slide than he was on World Chat chimping, "I HATE WIG" and "I WANT TO SHOOT WIG."
Enough. He's gone. Again. When you see him in-game in a few days, send me a note. I'll ban and re-ban him until Z isn't busy with more important things, as in
anything else, and I'll see him perma-banned.
Edit: Upon further consideration I've decided to lift the ban I just imposed. Eddie, if you're seeing this, you're way over the line into borrowed time. If your name turns up on this thread again - for flaming World Chat, for cluttering game chat with nonsense, for teamkilling or spawnkilling or spitting on the sidewalk - I or a fellow Mod will pass your case along to Zuperman for permanent discipline. Anyone encountering Eddie in misbehave mode, please send me or the Mod of your choice a private message.