Well when you call me gronola to piss me off it kind is harrasment and it's funny you say that i should really read and pay attention to you're post when you diden't to mine, i did not say that i curse like i sailor, i said "but i do not normally curse like a salior", also i diden't go off on him because he interruppted me once i went off on him because he was spamming chat for almost 5 Minutes
I'm.reporting that in many games with. A. Wing comm. 67 I've seen him get hit over and over and over and over. I myself have shot him so many times he just wont go down. Plus he flies just fine until shot at and suddenly stars to skip every time I've lost count on how many games I've been in with him but its always the same
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZebraUp, TOPH
got another bozo for you guys. 67, blatant teamkilling. shot me down twice, as well as another player (accidentally erased the scree shot for that), and seems like it may have happened before I entered the game.
Geez guys! If you have to post screen shots of vulgarity so the whole forum has to read it at least put a spoiler on it! Remember you are responsible for your posts.
The following user(s) said Thank You: |111th|tSwopCaml, ZebraUp
Wow the names and messages recently.... Easy hint.... play every intrawebz game/chat whatever like your own kid/niece/nephew/grandkid/god kid whatever is playing or looking over your shoulder.
We all want to say #_÷¥÷¥€÷_\#¥££÷_#€÷£ at some point, say it out loud in front of that innocent instead of typing it out, typing it out to means you already said it and still thought it was OK to type out, thought and failed twice in my opinion
good day Moderators. i want to report INDY77 and wopwopbang for foul mouths. trashtalking was very rumpant till the end of our game because of them. Indy switched sides just to continue trashtalking. We kept giving them warnings to stop but they just won't.
here are their ranks.
Can't bring down faster and better planes? MAKE THEM CRASH.
The following user(s) said Thank You: |111th|tSwopCaml, Mmiller26
{L} PainJunkie wrote: Wow the names and messages recently.... Easy hint.... play every intrawebz game/chat whatever like your own kid/niece/nephew/grandkid/god kid whatever is playing or looking over your shoulder.
We all want to say #_÷¥÷¥€÷_\#¥££÷_#€÷£ at some point, say it out loud in front of that innocent instead of typing it out, typing it out to means you already said it and still thought it was OK to type out, thought and failed twice in my opinion
I did want to point out, that if you are referring to my post, about the KKK guy that I never actually cursed. I abbreviated, which is not cursing, but referring to the deserved insult. My respectful opinion. I would never actually curse someone out with a full curse word in game or in chat or on forum.
The Congress has declared war on Dogfight. Watch out... Congress is in Session!!
Hi all!!.long time not see.i been a beet vissy last months playing here and there ..work matters did not aloud me to play so much..so many of you may not see me to ofthem.
today i was playing in a new game wend a guy on same team call`` paolo carta``start to shoot me from behinde...so i defende my self back.
i leth yiu know yust in case you meet him on the skyes..keep an eye open..you may get shoot by him too..
big hug all..nice to be here again
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gizmo., Frank Baracca
Unfortunably im here again..in my last game .a guy call lenina from italy.. in our team has bom our hangars hes a
group captain..two of them .i tokd him to stop but he was doing this fir fun...kestrel was there..hes a witness..please baned him..we need your help to finish with that horrible actitud..he ruin a good exacting long game....please help..
The following user(s) said Thank You: tKestrel old, Frank Baracca
By the way zuper..do you think maibe is posible to work on the idea to make planes and hangars of same team inmune to eachother?..the problem will be solve..eather so..that we can still mention who is shooting same team..
tony69.. wrote: By the way zuper..do you think maibe is posible to work on the idea to make planes and hangars of same team inmune to eachother?..the problem will be solve..eather so..that we can still mention who is shooting same team..
I think that would diminish the game tony.. 'friendly fire' blue on blue accidents happen in real life too.. so removing it from the game I think is going too far & it makes players pay a little more attention when it happens accidentally as well. PLUS it would take away from those comic moments when a well-respected great player gets turned around and shoots his own carrier or hangar lol!
tony69.. wrote: By the way zuper..do you think maibe is posible to work on the idea to make planes and hangars of same team inmune to eachother?..the problem will be solve..eather so..that we can still mention who is shooting same team..
I think that would diminish the game tony.. 'friendly fire' blue on blue accidents happen in real life too.. so removing it from the game I think is going too far & it makes players pay a little more attention when it happens accidentally as well. PLUS it would take away from those comic moments when a well-respected great player gets turned around and shoots his own carrier or hangar lol!
Shhh there's no proof i did that I swear i didnt mean to do that last week
I mean i didnt do it!
Retired in the skies of Dogfight.
Raising Hell in the skies of Warthunder
tony69.. wrote: By the way zuper..do you think maibe is posible to work on the idea to make planes and hangars of same team inmune to eachother?..the problem will be solve..eather so..that we can still mention who is shooting same team..
I think that would diminish the game tony.. 'friendly fire' blue on blue accidents happen in real life too.. so removing it from the game I think is going too far & it makes players pay a little more attention when it happens accidentally as well. PLUS it would take away from those comic moments when a well-respected great player gets turned around and shoots his own carrier or hangar lol!
Shhh there's no proof i did that I swear i didnt mean to do that last week
I mean i didnt do it!
I was specifically not naming names of any Reck!ess individuals tKes... lol!
Good point zebra..you may be rithg..but do you know how much sucks wend you have give body and soul in the game..defend it every cm...of the terrein and them a brainless team player...goes and bom your own hangar...afther been playing a great game.....it really suuuuuckkkss!!!!...lol
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mongo, ZebraUp