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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213288

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WAY TO GO BEAR!!!! Enjoy the F1, that is a fast aircraft which means you will be more deadly than ever.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213305

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Congratulations Bear, form where I'm sitting an almost impossible task, but you did it.. All of you more experienced pilots give me a lot of inspiration.. Not sure how you guys felt as new pilots, but I'd bet money that just like me you didn't get the same thrill downing a Lt as a commander..

Speaking of more experienced pilots, I was in a game with Sueak yesterday, he was on the other side, and went out twice to change to my team.. Thanks brother.

Congrats to Kevin on the new arrival, and to all you dads, since we're sharing (this is great bonding stuff, but if anybody calls for a group hug I'm out here ..lol) Three healthy, happy daughters here.. Blessed guys, honestly truly blessed, but I've got to tell you a home full of women can make you ready for beer thirty.. I call them TOG's (that other gender) there sort of like magnetic north ie; a few degrees off..

A quick comment about my name, the padre thing is for real, in that I'm here for anybody that needs prayer or has an issue in their life that has them down.. Just send a pm, prayers are free, private, and work.. God bless my new friends .. Let's go kill reds!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213689

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Hey Padre,It's Digger. My wife and I can use some prayer. Most of the squad knows and I'm ok talking about it, so I will just ask in the forum. My wife has pancreatic cancer, we are currently in Germany for cancer treatment and a cure. We pray for a cure anyway. Prayers do work and we would be honored for you to pray her/us as we believe in the power of prayer!Thank you!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213690

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My thoughts are with ya, bro.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213706

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You have my prayers Digger. We all hope Mrs. Digger a speedy cure and recovery. Again if there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.

I think I can speak for the Pack and say we are a family, and as a family we are united in good times and bad.

Linda (Mrs. Viper10) and I are keeping you and yours in our thoughts and prayers.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213722

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Sorry I didn't see this till now digger, one short one now, but know she's on my (our) prayer list till things are better!

Dear Lord, please be with Digger and his wife as they fight this disease , please hold her in the palm of your hand and make their nightmare go away.. We know you hear our prayers Lord, please hear ours now as we ask for your healing touch.. In your holy name

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213724

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I will certainly keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Your Wolf Pack supports you and we are here for you!

Best, Dire

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213734

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I debated about adding this to the above as it's about me.. I've decided to include it now in the hope it will give some needed comfort to diggers wife.. And maybe to some of you guys who felt as I did about "belief" .. I always thought people believed out of fear or for reward .. About the same time I matured and ,realized it was about forgiveness (need some of that) and love I also developed cancer

Mine was prostate .. Ok if your going to have it that's the one to have.. Then things got bad after i failed radiation twice .. The oncologists were pretty candid the window shade was coming down.. The wife and I know the fear Digger and his wife have.. Then there was a chance for a new drug that had just been approved.. That was in 2010 .. The shade that was coming down has gone up.. I've still got it, but the docs believe I'll die of some thing else..

When things were at their worse and before the new drug I gave it over to The Lord .. As in right before and 100% give it over.. That was really hard, but I meant it .. So when I say I'm blessed .. I really am.. I ask myself every day why I've been so blessed, maybe it's for times like this.. No more about me, but I'm pretty sure this will help Digger and his wife, as it's hard to understand the fear unless you've dealt with it.. We have .. Prayers do work .. Digger you and the wife will have them till you tell us it's cured .. God bless brother.

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213801

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I apologize if this is a repeat of an earlier post from about 3 hours ago, but I don't see it here so ...

Our prayers are with you and your wife Digger. And thank you Padre for stepping out and leading us in prayer. Mrs Squeak and I are strong believers in prayer and have seen God's hand intervene in our lives and the lives of our children more than once.

God bless you all.

George (aka Squeak)
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213894

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dear brother digger ...prayers and love to u an ur family from all of us ..... we love ya brother wolf an here 4 u as much as u need sir ....thought and prayers ...kevinwayne......
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213899

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I started to play this game in Feb. as a distraction to my wife's diagnosis that came very unexpectedly in January. I was hooked instantly not only because it was fun but it was an outlet that distracted me from how drastically my life was changing, but yet allowed me to still be home in ear shot of my wife and kids when they needed me. When simply playing the game was not enough to keep my mind distracted I thought I might start my own squad. Never in a million years would I ever have thought that by playing a game on-line that I would find the support and prayers from people I have never met, let alone have a bond with. God works in strange and wonderful ways and I maybe it is your prayers that may just tip the scale in a favor. I want to thank all my brother and sister wolves for your kindness, support, friendship and your prayers during a pretty trying time. You guys are awesome, this squad is awesome and I thank you for making Wolf Pack a special place to be. OOWW OW OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213917

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Digger. Digger, Digger .. Well you managed to bring me to tears with post .. You younger guys just wait, it's a little inside joke that our Lord plays on us ..sorta like ear hair but not as gross .. I "usta" be the tough prison lieutenant .. Now I can tear up at some darn dog foo fad on TV ..you moved us Digger ..

The wife is in prayer, the serious "knee" type that matter.. and I would bet that goes for most if not everyone in your Sqd..

The position of leadership is just a word if there's not respect with it .. You've earned that respect or the Sqd would not be the great place it is.. My military mind has you as "skipper" now.. I'm proud to be a member, we have one fine squadron, and one fine skipper.
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213959

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Dear Digger and family. I am not a religous man but please be assured that the thoughts of myself and my wife are with you all the time, my father is fighting a battle with a brain tumor at this time as well. I know how hard these times are.
You are a great squad leader and i am sure a wonderfull husband and father, the thoughts and prayers you have from your squad members is heartfelt and you have the respect of all us. My thanks to all brother and sister wolves for their thoughts to digger. I hope to meet my squad mates one day so i can say this in person. Its funny how things like a computer game can bring prople togeather.
All my thoughts and good wish's to you Digger

Eigill Wahlberg, alais Whitetrashbear.

All the way from Kumara, on the west coast of New Zealand...

HooooOOOoooooowwwwllllllll Gggggggrrrrr!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #213977

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What an amazing group of people in Wolf Pack.

Cheers all and see you in the skies!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214050

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Dire's right .. Quite a group we have here .. after I joined I spent a couple nights reading, not only the 10 pages of our thread, but both "gossip" and "cool threads" .. Bottom line is I felt i know you guys .. I have a small problem. the site is fighting me on sending Pm's.. I'm guessing this is user error, as I'm a tech zero .. Bottom line is heck with pm's, I'ts going on here..

I wanted to ask digger a couple of questions about what their dealing with, and on a lighter note talk to Squeak about bike stuff.. SO here's the deal, my email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and id sure like to hear from both Dire, and Squeak, and any of you guys who have any issues that might run from venting to prayer.. And on that lighter note your geezer pard pistol padre (Greg) is a life motorcyclest, and shooter.. If any of you get bored send me an email.

Digger, I know you have your hands full.. that's a "when you can" thing.. George, get your soft tail ridding, California living butt in gear and send me an email ..lol
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214076

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Dittos to all you guys. This is an amazing group er ... excuse me ... "pack" of guys we have here.

Padre, we have a lot more in common than just our old age & Harleys. I'll get that email out to you soon.

Digger, I tried the PM thing also but I'm pretty sure that it didn't go through. I'll be a sending a prayer request to the prayer team at our church. We're fairly large and there are several dozen people who commit to pray every week

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214350

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Hey guys, how do you take screen shots?
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214362

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On the Ipad you push the on/off switch then quickly hit the home button. The image will show up in your photos. Not sure about other devices

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214409

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Hey Bear,

In Win 8, you hit Fn, Windows button and prtsc (print screen). The screen will dim just a bit and dump the file in pictures folder.

Hope this helps and see ya in the skies! Dire

I'll be on later tonight and hope to hunt the reds with the Pack...OOOOOoooooOOOO
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214493

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Ok wolf pack .. Get ready to have some wonderful news .. Just opened an email from brother Squeak asking if I had seen the PM that skipper had sent .. I hadn't, and loged on with a bit of nervousness .. Shame on me I should have had more faith in our Father, the news is prayer answered wonderful..

The short form of what brother Digger passed on is this .. His wife's tumor is responding to the treatment in Germany.. And not JUST responding, but more shrinkage in the week and a half in Germany than the eight months of treatment here.. Guys for the first time they have something really positive in their life instead of the terror since diagnosis.. Our Lord is good, and two wonderful people have been given a light at the end of the tunnel.. Their in the air (or should be) as I type this.. I think it's time for prayer..

Dear Lord .. You give us so much joy in our life, sometimes it comes with fear, and pain, and often we don't know your plans for us, and were left with even more grief .. Why do bad things happen to good people Lord .. There is so much we don't know, or understand.. But we take comfort in the fact that you do know.. The author of it all, your in control Father, and in your grace you've given us a miracle that could only come from you.. Our Friend and Skipper Mikes wife has responded to the treatment they had prayed for in Germany, and responded in such great form that they have some relief of the fear for the first time.. You have heard and answered our prayers, and we are so grateful.. Thank you Father, and please continue to heal this women.. In your name Amen
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214502

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Awesome news! Thanks for sharing Padre. Digger, very happy for you and the family!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214505

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Amen Padre. Thank you Lord for your grace, mercy and loving kindness.


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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214518

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tears of joy for u brother digger u have been on my heart heavy lately since we flu together 3 day in a row lol I still get on early to see if I can find ya lol ...padre me to just got out of a good game with brother wolvs squeak n dire they told me to check forum an my heart sunk ,,,,shame on me ...or lord is great brothers an he knows what we need even when we think we do at the time he is always with us ...bless u an ur fam brother digger an thank u lord 4 the good news amen!!!!!!!!
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214519

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Wow I don't even know who this person is but I hope u feel better and amen all I'm happy that's one less death this person was saved by prayer this shows prayer really works u just gotta keep at it :) sorry if u guys feel I intruded on ur thread I just saw kWhs post and got curious on what it was about and I will help in the prayer :)
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214520

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Ok than I got more curious lol I'll stop after this comment well whip showed me this really cool app called voxer its a walkie talkie app and its really great trust me try it out and have the whole squad on u guys can communicate with ur voices it makes thing alot easier u just got to send each other ur usernames but I'm sure u guys will figure it out its pretty simple and sorry for intruding again this is Jeromy out umm sorry the app name got auto corrected so the name is voxer not boxer
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214575

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Best news I have heard in quite some time. Thanks for sharing Padre. Digger, Mrs. Viper and I are very encouraged by this news. Through thick and thin, always with ya, Skipper!

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #214849

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #215110

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Thanks for inviting them Kev, it'll be nice to not be the newest member of the Sqd..lol

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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #215158

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proud to do it padre lol just trin to save as many as I can brother from the dark in to the light of the wolf pack ....oooowwwwwhhhhhhh
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The Official Wolf Pack Squadron 9 years 10 months ago #215365

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hello brothers an sisters ...just a lil tid bit to share with yall .....my son was messin with a book of my mothers ...lol he does that all the time into everything ...no lol ....but he was playin with a book and about to destroy it when I cought him an that when I say the title its called soul survivor ....an its about the reincarnation of a world war 2 fighter pilot so far good read anyone ever heard of it ??????........hope to see all yall in the wild blue very soon .....your brother wolf kevinwayne
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