[NLR] McFate wrote:
Trump pays no federal income tax?!!!
This seals it for me. So when Donald Trump complains about government misspending "our money" he is talking out of his ...
I pay more federal income tax than he does and he calls it "smart"? Gee, I wish I was "smart" enough to incorporate over seas and shuffle all of my income to places that will give me the most incentives and breaks. He complains that NATO needs to serve "our" interests first because "we" give them the most $$$ of any nation? He complains about entitlement spending using "our" money and being the reason the Federal government is going broke while he pays Zero in federal income tax?
It would be nice to see his financial statements to see how much US tax payer money he receives in construction and developement contracts and incentives and how much of the profits he takes over seas. How much legislation does he sponsor to make new loop holes for his interests while he pays nothing to support the US treasury or even the US military?
Sure he may justify it by claiming to increase the tax base through his job creation but be assured, this "smart" guy has exploited any loophole he can stick his finger in. If he becomes president he will have more control over US taxpayer money which he himself does not contribute to, but obviously he feels entitled to it.
Sorry, but Hillary is lying!
Did a quick google search and found this article, thought it may help with this discussion and shed some light on what Hillary was talking about.
Hillary's claim is misleading, at best. Yes there were 2 years in the late 70's where he paid no money in taxes, but that was because he had losses in those years. This info is part of his application for a casino license. What it also shows is that there were three other years included in the application where he did pay taxes, and Hillary found it convenient to leave those out.
She also states that "he" owes 650 million to "wall street and foreign banks". "He" (Trump) doesn't owe that, his businesses do. It's perfectly normal for large businesses to borrow money, because they can use it profitably. It helps them make more money for their shareholders, and it makes money for the banks (and their depositors) as well. Don't take my word for it, look up the annual reports for any publicly traded company and see what you find. Typically businesses of that size have debts that sound insane, until you compare it to the value of the assets they own.
Lastly, I just wanted to say that this isn't meant to be a jab at you McFate, I have the utmost respect for you and your views, and have always enjoyed chatting with you ingame and even on zello. I do admit that this claim of Hillary's sounds upsetting, but as with many statements made by politicians, they aren't as true as they would like us to believe.