T.R. wrote: I think that a lot of these complaints could be eliminated by the addition of a fuel feature to the planes. Enough fuel, or timer for a plane with bomb to fly across the map and back safely with a bit of time to dogfight as necessary. Over stay your welcome, you crash, there goes some of you kdr some are so obsessed with. Not the same war but the tactic applies, when bombers in WW2 were flying missions, over europe they only had fighter cover for part of the way then the short legged fighters had to turn back.. you did not have fighters flying to the target and" covering the bombers" til they get there. It would not stop all of the abuses, but it would limit them much more than letting a player hang around over a base until his ammo runs out.
I'd take it a step further, but I think fuel management should be a part of the game. There should also be a decent reward for returning to base. Sooner or later, a camper or spawnkiller will overstay his welcome & be killed. If there was incentive to get home, people might not stay over a base so long & will embrace the term RTB. It would also give more realism. As it stands, there's really no incentive to get home at all other than an internal acceptance of what constitutes completing a successful sortie, so this might give that incentive. You get 50 points for landing in a chute. Why shouldn't you get substantially more for landing? It'd be fun preventing spawnkillers from landing too. Of course if we're talking realism, the head-on shots would go away too. In the real world, they're the hardest to make (mentally figuring angle, ballistics, aircraft speed, etc.) & you open yourself up to death. Shooting from the 6 or off-angle should be the norm.
I think the whole conversation is one of intent, as wig eluded to. Some players do nothing but sk & camp (dogfight missions have gotten so bad I call them spawnfights now) & these are the ones we're really talking about, although sometimes the appearance of camping can't be helped. I've bombed a base & stayed over it because reds keep taking off & I have to fight there in an attempt to stay alive & get AWAY from their base (no sk though). I call out the spawnkillers & always target them first, especially in spawnkill games when they're tanking at the runway. I will drop to kill them, then land & reload. Of course firing while on a bomb run should be ok since the player can fire almost immediately after spawning, especially at the southern base in btb games (why isn't the northern base oriented N-S too because of the slight southern advantage, or both bases E-W?). I often let the red fire first, then kill him if I can.
It's pretty sad, but the situation here isn't the worst I've seen by far. Years ago, I played Air Warrior online (similar to Aces High), which had squad rankings based on kills alone. There was a generally respected & seasoned squad in the Korean theater that did nothing but sk as their main focus. Most outright sucked at dogfighting, but wouldn't engage me if I called them to fight because they didn't care, as it wasn't their mission, knew I'd kill them, & they really just didn't care. Of course they were always on top & patted themselves on the back for it. One difference in AW was that you could pick your spawn base from several & they couldn't cover them all (could work here too, but the limited number of players allowed might limit its positive effects...AW might have 50 or more players on a map at once. Maybe a couple of bases with the targets located elsewhere?). Selective spawning would surely help in spawnkill missions.
In the end, you have to just deal with it & report violators as you can.
That's my .02, but I wrote more than I thought I would, so it's really .03. I think more freely on the pot...