We had a tornado form in Mississippi and travel over 130 miles.It hit a small area in Selmer,TN among other places. We responded to Selmer and one house in another county. Red Cross in Mississippi responded to virtually the same area we were in but on thier side of the border.
For our response, we assessed , between three counties, about twenty homes as damaged in some way. All seven homes we saw in Selmer were declared destroyed and unlivable. I do not have numbers for any other state. None in Madison county were total losses, but nearly every home we saw in Selmer was.
I have never felt more in the Christmas Spirit as today, my presence alone brought hope to those who lost thier entire homes. That community is lucky. They had a great deal of people rush in to help with clean up. The nieghborhood church mustered up volunteers and no one went hungry today. They had more food and water and teas and sodas as well as some of the best diabetic friendly lemonade ever tasted in my fifty three years.
I feel really fortunate to be able to serve my country in this capacity. I have now done disaster responses of level 7 (Texas floods), level 5 (South Carolina floods) and this one here in my own chapter, alevel two. Level two only because we did not seek out of state assistance.
We did get help ,three people,from the Memphis office. We eight finished all initial assesments in three counties in one day. We provided monetary assistance to about a dozen families,put others in touch with other resources and we will be in the area for the next few days, ensuring we met any additional needs.
We really handled our business and my wife did case work for the first time in a large scale disaster. Up until now, she has done fire calls. Very proud of her tonight. She has really been deep in the case work for a bit.