Ye Olde Wolf Pack Banner Shoppe
It has been an amazing venture, indeed! I have asked the originator of our Banner Shoppe (Kamikaze King) to rename this wonderful place in honor of our 500th post. I asked him to remove my name from the official name, because we operate as a team, and without any of your support, all of my efforts would not have come to fruition. I will be leaving my name on our new official banner. I do so only to give any prospective new clients a reference for contact.
The new Official name for Forum purposes will be "Ye Olde Wolf Pack Banner Shoppe"
So, I proudly present to you, the new home for any new creative endeavors. May it continue to prosper and serve our Wolf Pack family as it has from the beginning.
I was curious. So, I researched
The origin of "Ye Olde"
, and found this very interesting video.