Whiplash wrote:
zuperman wrote: erm.. nope, this is not the official dogfight t-shirt
this is something you wanted to create for devils dragons as far as I know, the official dogfight t-shirts are already up on www.redbubble.com/people/echoboom/collec...product_type=t-shirt
what we are working on is to figure out whether there is some way to customize them. The problem with the choices so far for customization is that they either only ship to the US or it requires a whole bunch of sales at once.
Still trying to figure out the best option.
OK fair enough but if we want them solely for ourselves as a one time thing we can use the dogfight logo in our design providing I sell them just to recoup my cost?
And that's the part that doesn't seem to go through. You cannot sell t-shirts representing the game!
It is ok to make a bulk order, to create shirts and have your own squadron t-shirt, but the moment you are selling them, it becomes an issue. There is no way for me to know what's your cost and at what point it turns a profit. That's why no game that I know of you can use their designs to create your own merchandising and begin selling them.
So you want to make a squadron t-shirt, go to a local store and get a bunch printed? I'm ok with that. Just don't sell them.