hello there pilots of dn, i am making this post to alert you that i will be unable too play, this is because my phone is currently out of commission, and it may take anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks before i'm able to play. Enoxx the leader is the person to contact if you need any information, unfortuanteley if he isn't online it seems as though we don't have any other truly active members who actually speak in the chat, i am hopping that one of the two pilots that joined yestrerday will speak in chat our post in the forum, i also hope that a new pilot, known as outlaw war is able to join and speak in chat our post in the forum. As second i believe it is time to elect an ACTIVE person who is third in command, this will nullify the likelyhood that there will be no one to spread information if me or Enoxx has to take a leeway because of personal reasons. I am hoping our leader sees this and is able to find and recruit someone as a 3rd in command while im unable too play, and if i do return soon i still belive that an ACTIVE third in command is still something we should look for. when i use the term active i dont just mean by playing the game, i feel that they must be active on forum, chat and play often and that is because me and Enoxx are active in those categories i stated earlier. Thank you for reading this post, remember pilots, play well, play often, and most importantly have fun. Datone signing off