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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383799

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Hola sir. Viper aquí te dejo la captura donde estoy solicitando mi segunda medalla :)
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383805

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Yes sir Sniper. Just post a pic here or in the Wolf Pub thread and I can copy the image and present the award. My favorite part of being the squadron CO.

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383808

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I Think I can see it 3 posts above
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383811

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  Hola sir. Viper ayer publiqué una camtura y estoy pidiendo mi segunda medalla 
espero sea yo respondido aooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooow
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383813

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Got it, Sniper and sent it to Viper. Medal post on the way! Good job, brother! 
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383819

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Hola líderes de de la manada de lobos e estado solicitando mi segunda medalla pero no e sido respondido
ahora estoy solicitando mi 3 medallas espero que pronto tenga yo la respuesta ahora me siento un lobo de verdad
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383829

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To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greeting:
This Is To Certify That
Wolf Pack  Commanding Officer
Has Awarded
GOLD STAR and designation as ACE
Marshal Of The Royal Air Force Sniper
For his 64 Kills In A Single Game.
November 20, 2021
Way to go Sir Sniper! I had no doubt that you would hit the ground running, and you sure have. You have shown that you not only have what it takes to earn the coveted WP Ace award, but also that you are an inspiration to your fellow squad mates. BZ my friend, keep killing those reds


Regarding the attachments you linked to previous posts, I cannot open them at all. Perhaps there is another type of file you can save them as? I don't want to miss awarding you much deserved stars.

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383830

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Muchas gracias sir. Viper ahora ayer publique que estoy solicitando mi tercera medalla por mi 97 muertes ahora me siento un lobo 
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383831

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Congrats again, Sniper! I know Viper is on STEAM and I use PC-- I can see your 97 kills and confirm so he can give the next star. You are on a roll brother! Nice job.

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383833

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Congrats again, Sniper! I know Viper is on STEAM and I use PC-- I can see your 97 kills and confirm so he can give the next star. You are on a roll brother! Nice job.


In this instance I am going to grant Dire Wolf "By Direction" authority which means since he can see Sniper's attachments and I cannot Dire Wolf has the authority to award the WP Ace awards "By Direction"

Sir Dire, what this entails is the same bullet that I use but at the end just add the line "Dire Wolf, by direction" underneath the date on the award certificate. If that doesn't make sense PM me and I can shoot you an example to cut and paste if needed.

It isn't right to hold up awards due to technical issues. I like to get the awards out as soon as possible and practical.


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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383834

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From: Commanding Officer, Wolf Pack Squadron
To: Dire Wolf, Air Marshal, Wolf Pack Squadron
Subj: By Direction Authority

 You are hereby authorized By Direction authority reference Wolf Pack Ace awards effective this date.
Your signature carries the full authority of the Commanding Officer and shall be recognized as official correspondence.
This authority is effective until otherwise rescinded by the Commanding Officer.


Wolf Pack Commanding Officer.

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383840

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  Hola sir viper e estado esperando mi tercera medalla con la captura de 97 muertes que publique ayer pero miró que no e sido respondido 
espero mi respuesta pronto aooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooow
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383844

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To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greeting:
This Is To Certify That
Wolf Pack Commanding Officer
Has Awarded
GOLD STAR and designation as ACE
Marshal Of The Royal Air Force Sniper
For his 97 Kills In A Single Game.
DireWolf, by direction


Sir Sniper, I'm impressed with your skills! You continue to make WOLF PACK proud and glad you found your way to our squad. No doubt you will have many more original WP STARS in your future. Go get them reds, brother! 

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383845

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Muchas gracias hermano me siento orgulloso de ser parte de la manada de lobos ahora me siento más como un lobo 
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383850

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Way to go Sniper!!!! You are one deadly Hombre!!!!!!! Keep it up my friend.


Thank you Sir Dire for posting that up for me. I edited the award write up for ya.

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383861

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Hello Sir, I’ve got one more over 50 kills .


this will be my 15th medal.
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383862

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You boys are sitting dOWn some Reds!
Well done Gentelmen

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his". - George Patton
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383863

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To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greeting:
This Is To Certify That
Wolf Pack  Commanding Officer
Has Awarded
GOLD STAR and designation as ACE
Air Vice Marshal Zirig
For his 52 Kills In A Single Game.
November 23, 2021
Look at Zirig go! Way to earn that third hash mark my friend, and against some really tough opposition no less. You continue to lead the way when it comes to earning the coveted WP stars. Because of your continued standard of excellence and the rate at which you are racking up kills we are more than likely going to need a 25 award designator because there wont be enough characters to allow for all the awards! BZ Zirig and keep it up! You are ferocious my friend.


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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383865

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Thank YoooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, sir Viper!
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383874

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hotra partida de 64 muertes espero mi respuesta 
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383884

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Hola sir viper, ayer publique mi captura de 64 muertes y aún no e sido respondido y ahora les comparto mi otra Captura de 61 muertes espero mi respuesta de mi quinta medalla ahora soy un lobo verdadero aooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooow
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383888

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To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greeting:
This Is To Certify That
Wolf Pack Commanding Officer
Has Awarded
GOLD STAR and designation as ACE
Marshal Of The Royal Air Force Sniper
For his 64 Kills In A Single Game.
DireWolf, by direction


Sniper, congrats on your impressive game! Well done. Your talent continues to impress and I speak for all of WP---we are proud of you! Pin that original WP Star on and know you have many more in your future. I'll be looking for them and this howl is for you!

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 8 months ago #383889

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Muchas gracias sir DireWolf y viper yo también estoy orgulloso de ser parte de la manada de lobos 
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383934

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Hola sir viper hoy tuve una excelente partida con 60 muertes y ahora estoy solicitando mi 6 estrellas 
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383935

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Sorry Sniper, I cannot provide your additional Ace award because I still cannot see your attachments. Sir Dire is on medical leave and as soon as he is all better he will return and post up your awards. I am sorry I cannot get this out to you in a timely manner.

Hey, if anyone else can help and convert Sir Snipers attachment to something I can see here on the forum or in a pm I would be grateful. I want to get him the recognition he deserves as soon as possible. No telling when Dire will return unfortunately.

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383936

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Gracias viper no sé por qué razón no se te aparece mi captura lo estaré publicando mal tal ves
Pero boy a esperar aoooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooooow
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383937

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Espero que esta captura si puedas ver la lo estoy compartiendo en mi otro teléfono celular viejo  
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383939

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To All Who Shall See These Presents, Greeting:
This Is To Certify That
Wolf Pack Commanding Officer
Has Awarded
GOLD STAR and designation as ACE
Marshal Of The Royal Air Force Sniper
For his 60 Kills In A Single Game.
DireWolf, by direction


Congrats, Sir Sniper! 

Sorry for the late reply, but that looks like one fun game and you did a great as always. I knew you had many STARS in your future and soon you'll be passing up some of the top players. Keep making WOLF PACK proud! 

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383957

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Muchísimas gracias Diré Wolf. Y a viper10 por mi premio yo también me siento demasiado hurgulloso de ser parte de la manada de lobos ahora me siento un lobo verdadero aooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooow
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 2 years 7 months ago #383984

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Sniper and Dire,

I finally logged in on a real computer and can see Snipers attachments. Sorry about the delay. I play on a very old laptop and view the forum on the same machine which runs windows 8.1. I will start using this new desktop to do forum stuff so i can do the awards for Sir Sniper in the future. 

You still have by direction authority Dire so dont hesitate to post awards when you see them and i will do the same. 

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