Posting ones banner is a simple matter.
First, Copy your banners IMG code. There are a few ways to do this:
Click on your banner, it will act as a link to the squads photobucket account. Then just copy the IMG code (the code at the bottom of the list cof codes that begins with IMG) by highlighting it and going to edit-copy or by pressing CTRL or CMD C
OR…. Go to the squad photobucket account here
Look under the folders and click on the folder labeled “banners” find your banner. Then just copy the IMG code (the code at the bottom of the list cof codes that begins with IMG) by highlighting it and going to edit-copy or by pressing CTRL or CMD C
OR….. ask me and I will PM you the code, . Then just copy the IMG code (the code at the bottom of the list cof codes that begins with IMG) by highlighting it and going to edit-copy or by pressing CTRL or CMD C
Next, Open up the forum and log in if needed. Click on your name from any screen.
That will take you to your profile. Click “edit” in the blue bar at the top.
Once there, just click the tab labeled “profile information and scroll to the bottom and find the signature box.
Then just paste the IMG code into the signature box by going to edit-paste or by pressing CTRL or CMD V
Then click Save and your banner should be at the bottom of ALL your posts