BlüEMäX wrote: How many of you chumps do you think it will take to beat me? Lets line them up. Who wants to play.? You seem to want problems with my squad now you got 'em.
I will post here when I'm on so we can handle business.
And I will post this conversation on both here and the blacklist thread, so the WHOLE dogfight community can see what's going on.
A few things:
1. What's a chump? should I be insulted, or should I be thanking you for complementing me?
2. Lets take a look at the case of our dear old friend Spitfire. He was perma-banned for cussing in the game (bad enough) and in the forum (VERY bad). You, my friend, have been caught cussing in the forum. There's no denying that. Other players of all ranks have been muted for saying MUCH less than that in the game based off of a single screenshot. The dogfight community (not just LEGENDS) has proof of your being immature on MULTIPLE threads, being the MOM thread and the blacklist thread. Based on past occurrences, you should be muted. Why should you get off scott-free because of your rank, or your skill, or your squadron?
3. And now for the squadron called M.O.M. There are pictures and screenshots and posts (see Davy's resignation from the M.O.M squadron) of inappropriate/insulting language. When I read Davy's thread, I read the first page of the M.O.M thread just to get a better scope of what was going on. What did I think of your squadron? I was appalled and insulted. What I saw was not what I should see from a squad that wants RESPECT. And just to add insult to injury,
I THE DOGFIGHT COMMUNITY saw exactly what goes on behind the scenes at MOM. Davy made the right choice leaving your squadron. Based on what I have seen, a good part of M.O.M is made up of just the idiots and bullies who tarnish the name of dogfight.
And here is what I see when you see Becken's picture on the blacklist thread:
[LF]Mr.Becken wrote:
BlüEMäX wrote:
[LF]Mr.Becken wrote:
BlüEMäX wrote:
[LF]Mr.Becken wrote: ohh and welcome the LEGENDS thread! where glad to have ya
I will bring back screen shots when you leave games I'm in from now on and post them here for you.
well the presence of a player doesn't scare me out of a map. I only leave If its a protect the zep or capture the carrier ohh and sometime I don't play dogfight missions if the game is almost over 
You will leave when I pin you down and spawnkill you about 10 times in a row. Trust me.
well kinda cheating there arnt ya? how can we have a fair battle if you wont even let my plane of the runway?
Yup, that is a very honorable way to settle an argument. Absolutely what I should expect to see from an RESPECTABLE person standing up for a RESPECTABLE squadron.
You wonder why everybody hates MOM now? well, now you know.