WARNING to All Lafayette Escadrille Pilots & Ground Crew!
NOT attempt to purchase books from the individual known as Davy Crockett! His business practices and smooth talking belie any equitable return for money sent.
ESPECIALLY DON'T GIVE THIS PERSON YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO! If you do you will find charges appearing on your card statement from all kinds of sordid places such as The Cat Fanciers Club and Billy Bob's Bikinis & Barbeque..
This is just a warning for you all as reports & complaints have been received by the Better Business Bureau about this shady character, so if you conduct business with him you do it at your own risk!
Here are some of his recent 'offerings' - Don't trust him..!
Davy Crockett wrote: THE GUIDE TO PROPER CARRIER OPERATIONS AND THE CONSPIRACIES THAT DRIVE THEM" by Davy Crockett. Only $19.99 except for dogfight members where you receive at $1.00 discount. Please PM me for further info.
Davy Crockett wrote: purchase the book " HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF DOGFIGHT"
It is a very informative book that will explain everything to you especially secret tips to becoming a top MORAF pilot.
You can surprise all your family when you become a top DOGFIGHTER in just a few months.
Yes we take credit cards, just send all your credit card information and we will send the book out immediately.
Also he is a big mean bully! He tells you the water dripping out of his plane is because of all his tears he cries.. DON'T BELIEVE HIM! It's merely him washing all the blood off of his hands from killing us so much!