Hey all Lafayette's!
I just found out that tinypic is shutting down in a couple of days so if you have a banner here you need to download and save it as i don't have an image hosting site to save them for you any longer.
Sorry for the inconvenience but it's out of my hands.
. Be grateful for each new day and enjoy life. Hope you all had a nice thanksgiving. Remember it’s the start of the holidays; don’t be all grumpy and sad its Christmas time so show your SMILE!!! Thank you for all your friendships and hope you all have a happy holiday season.
. Many blessings of health and happiness to all
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZebraUp, TOPH, Gideons Sword
. Many blessing to all; I hope you have a nice Christmas day!
Enjoy your holidays, smile, sing ,celebrate and give thanks. May the Lord bless you and everyone in your families.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZebraUp, Pegoud
"Happy Happy New Year" * "Feliz Año Nuevo" * "Bonne Année" * "Feliz ano novo"
"明けましておめでとう" * "Prosit Neujahr" * "Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen"
"Felice anno nuovo" * "Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimas" * "Manigong Bagong Taon"
"Saehae Bock Mani ba deu sei yo" * "Gelukkig Nieuwjaar" * "Godt Nytar" * "Xin Nian Kuai Le" "Szczesliwego Nowego Roku" * "Kenourios Chronos" from all of us at The Foreign Legion!
Many blessing of health, love and happiness to all of you and everyone in your families on this New Year.
Thank you to all for your friendships!!!
.,. Remember that life is precious, enjoy it! If you are feeling lonely, down or depress DON’T BE! Look around you; reach out to your family and friends LIVE, SMILE, BE HAPPY and grateful to be ALIVE. Many suffer every day in hospitals, in the streets or at home; they want to live and smile. ENJOY THE BESSINGS EACH AND EVERYDAY.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZebraUp, TOPH, Pegoud
I hope everyone in Lafayette, and other pilots and squadrons within the Dogfight community are doing well and staying safe during these times of troubles. Take care of yourself, and your friends and families and be kind to others.
*and thanks Acegirl for all your wonderful holiday posts.
The following user(s) said Thank You: baron rojo, Thulsa Doom, Acegirl, DireWolf{WP****}, chickenlittle, Alex Galt, MORAF 21 _|£|_, Cypher7{WP}, Pegoud
Your welcome Z!
We all miss you in the game; hope you and all your love ones are well. Taking a lot of hate for the turn fighting style you love so much but hey it’s the right way to DO IT! Hoping for a Zebra comeback to dance around in the DF Elite skies. Also miss Gideon Sword mi primo hope he is doing fine. But no worries the Lafayette is representing with the mean presence of Trey; he is deadly as always. Had some great games with him during my house arrest days. Take care and be safe.
The following user(s) said Thank You: baron rojo, ZebraUp, GreyNade, chickenlittle, Pegoud
Hey Y'all I hope everyone is staying safe and sane in this time of craziness and violence (in the U.S.A.) and the pandemic. Take care of your friends, family, and loved ones and avoid anything that would jeopardize them in any way.
The following user(s) said Thank You: GreyNade, DireWolf{WP****}, chickenlittle, MORAF 21 _|£|_
Hey guys! It's Zeek The Fre@k here!
Just here to say Hi to everyone, Please STAY SAFE & have fun!
I miss this community a lot tho <3
Golden memories with the people here!
Cheers to that!
Contact here, to be in touch!
Instagram : @DogFightElite
I Am a FrE@k...!!!
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZebraUp, Pegoud
Of course I will be back as Dogfight was my 1st ever multiplayer game and I had tons of fun here and lots of wonderful friends and memories.
I look forward to dancing in the skies of Dogfight once again with AceGirl and dueling with other skilled pilots as well.
Stay safe y'all, both in the sky as well as irl!
.. Happy Happy Thanksgiving! . ¡Feliz Dia de Acción de Gracias a todos! .
. Thankful for another year of LIFE, family, and friendships. May God bless each and everyone of you with health and happiness. Enjoy your LIFE as much as you can and no matter how sad or lonely you feel remember to give out a little smile because there is someone that loves you. BIG HUG AND KISS TO EVERYONE. Thank you for all your friendships.
.Thank you, Lord for a New Year of LIFE! It was a hard year for all of us but with your strength we all managed to receive your blessing. I am grateful for all the friendships you have placed in my life including my virtual family of DF Elite; to all of you I thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts. The power of prayers have been the wind beneath my wings and have made me soar above the storm. To God, my family and friends I am truly grateful; love you all so much. It’s a new year full of challenges but also full of life and we should all embrace each day and try our best to be happy. My friends, amigos and those that do not like me so much a BIG HUG! And may God bless you with health, happiness, and love in this new year. A GOZAR LA VIDA!!! ENJOY LIFE!!
.Remember we all have challenges in our real lives and a friendly text from a virtual friend does go a long way. Try to be kind to one and other.