I won?!?
Earlier today Raunak asked me how many wins I had and I told him I don't know. He pressed me and said give me a ball park figure, so I said "I know it's over 20", he then asked if over 50, and I again said I didn't know, I gave up counting around 13.
This was a GREAT and fun contest. Thanks everyone that was on my teams that won, and also those that I flew against because you made the games fun as well.
What I did learn, was it's very different flying to get kills towards 10,000, flying to get points to level up, flying to get coin to upgrade your plane, and flying to get wins.
Also I learned, I really wish I could choose my teammates, and many made it very hard to win by doing stupid things, but just stuck in there until we over came the reds.
Great job everyone for participating and giving it your best! I hope you all had fun, learned some things, and improved your ranks. Congrats to Armament for getting 10,000 kills, he's been working hard at it.