hello members of gi and wp! contest time is upon us once again and this one will be bigger and better than before! if you participated in the last contests we had you already know the drill. if you are new and would like to compete please do! the more the merrier.
what is this all about?
to celebrate our alliance we wanted to have a cross squad contest. in the game of dogfight we want belonging to a squadron to be more than just a name. so, do your best and bring home the gold!
how will we compete?
this contest will be all about the wins! after the timer expires we will take the top 5 pilots with the most wins. the contest will run for 3 days (72 hours). we are looking to do it the last weekend in april (24th-26th). official starting and ending times will follow GMT. Viper will keep track of WP members and horriblebreast will keep track of G.I members then we will compare scores and come up with a top 5 from both squads.
what do i win?
since we are opening the contest to both squads we will have 5 winners of the contest. each winner will receive a limited edition GI/WP tshirt!
how do i enter?
this contest is open to all members of Gunners Inc and Wolf Pack. simply leave a post stating you'd like to enter and please include a t shirt size. *note* we will need to send you your prize so if you win we will need a mailing address. we will contact the winners when the contest is finished.