So many great memories. From the day I was first asked to join, to the time i was put over wing 3. But you, guys and gals, are the best memories I have. Lots a of laughs and sound advice... I can recall this one match with hb. It had to be one of the first few matches we flew as teammates. 2v4 CTC and we won... Another time is the one Hitgirl mentioned. I was gonna wait for her to hit lvl 8, then reqruit her. I never told anyone that she was coming. Then I wake up one morning and she's a GI! Almost like it was meant to be... Last, But Not least, Was when I first joined. Noone really knew me, I didn't talk that much and I just wanted to fly. This was just a game to me. Then kk or hb, not sure now, directed me to the forum. I saw the camraderie, the respect, and help provided. I've been playing online multiplayer games since 99 and this is the first "clan" that I've promoted and was proud to be apart of. We actually looked out for eachother and not ourselves. That's when I really became part of the GI family. And it's one of my best memories.
P.S. I kinda figured that was me you were talking about pink. I'm glad you remembered, it means a lot.