Hello Fellow Gunners Inc. pilots-
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your hard-flying and never-say-die attitudes.
Flying with honor and class is what being a Gunner is all about.
Keep in mind, as we inevitably participate in a game with less classy pilots, we are representing Gunners Inc. in all that we say and all of our actions.
I know that it can be tempting to "sink to their level" and engage in less than mature behavior, but remember that you have a banner above your plane that may be the only thing that others in the game will remember about the altercation.
Our reputation as one of the cleanest and fairest squads in the game of DogFight is on the line every time we fly. We either reinforce that or tear it down. Have confidence that there are 60+ other Gunners
out there doing their best to represent our squad with Pride.