I've added this as some new players might not be ableto easily find the code on the old website. Enigma is a squad with a history of high skill and fair play. Please remember that your actions help us maintain our reputation with other squads and players.
What's the enigma code?
The Enigma Code is a system of rules we must all as members follow. These rules include:
- We respect others and their squadrons.
- We do not flame, troll or spam the forum.
- We think before we post.
- We support Dogfight and help newer members.
- We help train each other.
- We disregard level and instead focus on skill.
- We respect those of higher authority in the forum. (Please do as the Admins and Mods say)
- We respect other people's thoughts, opinions, beliefs and actions.
- We do not team kill, destroy our own bases or anything else that would be deemed "gameplay ruining".
- We honor The Enigma Code.
Rule 9 includes:
- Tank spawn killing. You do not hide with a tank at the end of the red runway and shoot planes as they spawn.
- Camping/spawn "rape" - drop your bomb and go get another one. If you are engaged with the enemy, once you shoot them attempt to leave. don't hover just behind the red spawn points shooting players before they can get off the ground, over and over. especially lower ranked players, or those outnumbered.
Seek and Smoke!