I have also always been against beginners shooting. Especially the boys (or girls, or......) who are still trying to keep their plane in the air and crash 50 times. It's sad when you see a highly ranked player taking advantage of this to bring them down. Is this wrong? Everyone decides that for themselves.
If you want to prevent this, you can, for example, give a shield to numbers 1,2 and 3 so that the bullets of someone above rank 40 do not register when they hit them and therefore no points are earned.
Anyone banned for it? NO!! It's the game, they say shoot what's red, right? A few days ago I also thought from now on I will shoot everything that is red out of the air and we will see how many noobs are left in the game, but there is a big difference between thinking and doing. When I see those boys flying, I don't have the heart to do it.
So I think everyone should be free what they do with it. Do they want to shoot noobs? OK. It just shows your true character.