I think that some skins are way too hard to get in the game because if something takes months to get, people might get disinterested and think that they don’t have the patience to get to the point where they can get the item that they want. There are some other things that as well that take too much work to get, like certain world war two planes, Buddha also agrees that some things in the game take way too much work to get, I know this because he asked Zuperman if he could lower the ranks required to get a certain plane. Buddah is also way ahead of me in terms of XP! So that means that things do too take too much work to get because if you have to ask the developer to lower the ranks required to get something and you are already at a high rank, then you have to listen to them. Being at such a high rank, you already have the skill level to rank up, it just takes a lot of patience, but is this game a game about patience? I don’t think so, also, I know a lot about psychology for someone who has not gone to college for it because my mom would always listen to podcast about how people think and stuff like that. I would also listen to the podcast because, I get distracted easily. I know that I get distracted easily because my 7th grade teacher said so. I am in 8th grade now, I only have one B, and the rest are A’s so I got a lot smarter since 7th grade. So now I am pretty sure that you know that we need to lower the ranking requirement to get some World War Two planes, but for a paintjob/skin? It’s absurd, especially for the paint jobs that require you to be rank 31! So I think that we should lower the ranks required to get a rank 31 paint job to 27, as for the planes, I think that we should lower the rank requirements to get a plane like the Stuka to around maybe 20, and the planes like the Me 262 to around 31 to 35. So that is pretty much all I have to say about that, I might have a little more to say later.