Qazfdsa wrote: What the heck all of us apple users (even though I also use android) r getting freaking tired of this!!!!!!! It's apples fault!! Y don't u tell them to get off their @$$es and start running the updates!!!
1. Telling off Apple will do nothing but possibly remove their service of having the game even up in their Appstore.
2. Good luck getting a hold of Apple
3. Have some patience. Every day Apple is loaded with more and more apps/updates that require a personal review. They don't want inappropriate content, copyrighted content and other material against their User Agreement Policy being loaded onto their Appstore.
4. Apple users will eventually get their update. Every day, the update moves up higher and higher on the queue of games they've reviewed.
5. Patience.
At least Apple users may still enjoy online play. It's just a game mate, no sense in getting that mad over it.