I have been playing the game for a few days now, hate to admit how obsessive it has become.
Love it. It is my first multiplayer game - I am running it on Android, a HTC View 4G (32GB mem) on WiFi, roughly a 3MB connection. I turn off as much as possible other apps before playing.
I have tested latency to the
www.dogfightplay.com site and it is on the order of 38ms - I mention this as I have noticed literally seconds in update response (jumping and delays) - so I am curious to where the servers are located so I can see if I have a large delay there. The delays have been curious, sometime it appears that I have scored a hit (no other tracers going in on target) and the plane goes down and is created to someone else. I can't believe it was not me.
I have also seen the message that 'xxx' was brought down only to see his plane still flying on the screen and then disappear. Happened more than once. Sort of a several second delay in what is really going on, the visuals not in synch with real-time, which gets me to my next question.
My kill ratio is so small to the number of hours I have played is embarrassing - I do wonder if what I 'see' and shoot at is really there as sometimes the location of the target suddenly jumps several plane spans - also, many times I am shooting continuously (centered on target and also side to side and up & down in the sight) and no hits or any reaction from the plane and then it seems to register some seconds later -
I know that it does take time & skill to advance in the game, but I do wonder if some hardware or bandwidth issues gives an unlevel playing field.
I have several other questions, like why does the Spad I bought not appear 'In the Hanger' everytime, yet the Red Baron I purchased does? Frusting...
Love the game!