I need to understand some of the basic tactics for dogfighting. I am in the training session 3, and find that unless I can shoot the enemy plane down as it is immediately incoming (ie. as it leaves its base) that I cannot maneuver adequately to get him into my sights again. I try to "follow the little red arrow", but it never catches up with the plane. I end up spinning in circles and loops, but never get the plane in my sights. HELP!
Secondly, on the bombing run at the airfield, is it best to try to take out the air defenses first? I inadvertently blew up one of the tanks/gun emplacments with my machine guns on one attempt, and realized this was potentially very beneficial.
Finally, I find it difficult to land at my base without crashing, even though I am perfectly aligned with the airstrip, and have reduced my airspeed to ~100 mph. I have managed, but by luck alone. Any tips?