I got the Jet. (. Has any one been having problems. When (BTH). Game and u go In to bomb the hangers and ur dam f... bombs don't drop at all even when you are in a perfect set up to hit them. And nothing happens at all u go n check and I'll b dam u still ha e the f... bombs. Been going through this for three days now . Or I ha e restarted my in rstrted the game phone n did all that I know what to do. I email zup a upgrade on bullets n reply to (lol he can't for me in game told him he takes sub. Buy every time so I lol know iam there ) but to get back to that problem if this has happen to anyone a little help would nice. Onekill. N besides been playing for about 3 to 4 f... years Just all Please help if u can. I am on a Android phone Samsung Galaxy S7. Man it's sucks just played a game and couldn't even hit no one now this is funny but it's also sucks if you all know what I mean