Please put Group Captain Pannu in the penalty box!!!
He's a team-killer.
Just played a BtB mission.
Came in at the start of game. Only three blues: myself, Templar and Pannu.
I took off first. Immediately after takeoff, Pannu shot down Templar, then bullets came flying past me. No reds yet, as we were just crossing over the northern base hill.
I told him to knock it off. He said said nothing. Then, the reds showed up. As I dealth with the onslaught of enemy planes, Templar was evading Pannu again.
I told reds we had a TKer to deal with.
As they were all noobs, one said, "So what?"
I took out 3 of the reds, then got shot diwn by Pannu.
After respawn and takeoff, Pannu shot me again.
I kept telling him to knock it off--and he said, "It was an accident, I was shooting reds."
I said, "There were no reds in sight yet!"
Then, I turned and dropped him.
Again--he went after Templar--then me.
After I dropped him the second time, he asked for peace.
Please give this guy a spanking.
I didn't get a screenshot of the first time he shot Templar down, but here are the rest:
This is where the little bugger shot ME down: