Yesterday Google pushed some changes to their market store and it seems that it broke something on their end.
I've got a whole bunch of emails complaining that the application was asking to pay again. Since this is Google's stuff, I can't fix their system but there are several solutions. Try them on this order:
1) Make sure you downloaded the latest version (it says 4.0.12 but I actually pushed a new version a few hours ago). So go to the market and hit the "install/update" or whatever option it shows there.
Then go into multiplayer into your account (your account, not a new one), it will fail once because it has to get the info from the server, ignore that error message. Now try again, it should log you in. Next time you reboot the game it will remove the "upgrade" button and have you as a full registered player.
If it worked, that's it. No need to read more, problem solved
2) Shoot me an email (at end of this post) before paying, with the account name that you use on the multiplayer version (either your player name or your registered email). I may be able to push you in and guide you through the process.
3) Pay again. Google will not charge you twice eventhough it will go through the whole process. If their system is fixed, it will detect so and let you in without charging.
4) Pay again, using the same account that you used. Then shoot me an email with that information: the payment and your account. I'll request to Google to refund you the last payment since it should be counted as a double payment.
Of course, you can also pay again and I'll thank you for the donation
My email:
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