Dogfight Elite 1.2.11 released!
The last two updates include many of the requests and ideas you posted in this thread:
New missions - Dogfight Elite Forum
Keep them coming!
- Added a new destroy the submarine mission.
- Changed so that when you get killed, you have 10 seconds to hit the Retry button. Otherwise, it will automatically hit it for you. The reason is to avoid people dying and staying in the middle of the field (or on top of the flag) not doing anything else.
- Changed the bomber fast mission. You won't spawn midfield anymore. You will fly from the base. Also, you can see the damage you are inflicting on the bomber.
- Changed the spy mission. It should be a bit harder now for the allied side.
- The bullet traces should be more visible now on mobile devices.
- The jolly roger got a big redesign. You can party there now.
- The town is back.
- Many other small fixes.