Hi there!
Dogfight 4.0.7 was just released! Now I'm going to focus on Dogfight 4.1 to have it ready asap.
Based on the list of feedback and requests on the forums, I'll try to add most of the requests. Some may not be able to cut it for 4.1 since I prefer to make fast releases with additions instead of waiting for months to have the full set done and nobody see anything new meanwhile. This is what I'll be working on adding for 4.1.
- New planes. For sure 2 new planes: Nieuport XVII and hopefully the Albatros. Probably some additional 2 planes, depends on the amount of work and the $ that I'm able to pull together from 4.0.7

Write nice reviews for 4.0.7! It helps me get some $ for updates

- Probably 2 WWII planes for higher levels. The rockwell and a p51. They will be tuned down a notch, so that they can play at the same level than WWI planes.
- 2 new multiplayer missions. One will be a capture the flag type of game, where the flag is an airport which you will be able to use to take off from. The airport will most likely be on water area, it will be more fun that way for landing (yes, you will sink on water

. A second mission will be a bomber mission. You will fly one big bomber that has 3 seats. So while one flies, the other two shoot.
Multiplayer missions are really really hard to get done right, Android users may be able to see them while beta status. I'll keep you posted.
- New terrains. I've been wanting to add them for a while, they are just tough to make and takes lot of memory on the devices.
- Detailed terrains. Working on it, trees, houses, etc...
- Walking soldier. The basic idea is that you should be able to walk around and jump into the bomber, a tank or your plane. You should be able to also shoot while walking.
- More languages support. Chinese & French seem the most likely next step, but write up requests for your language if you wish.
- Squadrons: You will be able to recruit or join squadrons and have your own stats. I'm still in thinking process about this and how they can be integrated with this website too.
- Improved stats. I already have all the info on the database but it's not displayed anywhere. Things like top 10 killers, top 10 hangar bombers, top achievements, etc...
... and remember, hit that App Store icon and write a nice review on the game

The nicer reviews, the more people, the faster I can get through pushing better and cooler updates! Click those 5-stars away
What do you think? Any new additions that you'd love to see for 4.1?