A quick update, after 1.3.2 I have this list of things written down to fix for 1.3.3
- Capture the carrier mission. It is disabled now, because it would fail and disable chat.
- Recover the Top Secret document, it is also disabled because the envelope would go invisible sometimes.
- The timer on capture the carrier, sometimes it would display as if you were still on the carrier after you died.
- Double crashes. You crash from time to time, after respawn.
- Bomb counting on submarine and carrier mission. Sometimes it displays 3 times as if you bombed it, but you only bombed it 1 or 5 times.
- Refueling and reloading. It displays sometimes twice in a roll.
- Hitting someone dozens of times and still it won't go down.
Everything else that was reported should be already fixed.
Anything else I'm forgetting?