The Sub mission without the advantage to the German side, for example if each submarine was in its own lake.
A button to confirm the blocking of players on world chat in case you hit the block button by accident.
In the lobby provide the option so that the players can decide which mission they would like to play.
The option to select non auto chat translate in game chat giving the player the option.
Also, I think it would be fun if the soldiers had a larger variety of guns and vehicles. I know it is a Dogfight game, however why not expand into ground warfare with trenches( Planes can back up the players on the ground) , expand the subway tunnels with more missions for the soldiers in the tunnels. Missions to the tunnels like kidnapping/rescue and ambush. New animation to the soldier as grab and punch
A button so select soldier missions could be added. It would also be great if missions types could be picked in the lobby, options given so you could choose the mission you like for example bomb the base or bring down the zep or soldier etc Players can decide, it shall be more democratic.
By the way Zup, thanks for all the changes you've made. It has made a big difference, the game is much more fun, less glitches. Now has more players because of this so no more empty games, no more empty rooms with no players the game is alot better be thanks.