Hi, i particularly like the system where players are not allowed to choose sides, forcing to alternate sides between matches, because it turns the game more fair. Players abuse the system when they can pick only one side every game making the other team outnumbered, and others swap side when realize their team are going to loss. Sad that this system will back. About the currently lobby system, would be possible to add on lobby an option to players vote for what mission they want to play? like in other fps games do. I mean if they want ctc, btc, hangar, flag, document, spy, submarine or bomber, then they can decide by vote in lobby, what mission they want to play. It should be more democratic. I usually leave when i see a mission that consider boring and i also leave when i join in empty games (no patience to wait).
About the team dogfight mission, the counter don't have enough minutes. Many times it ends in draw, because of shortly time.