I've brought this up before. If you ask most,they will tell you its the community that keeps them coming back for years and years. We are a family the argues,calls each other names, bad mouth and make up. I'm sure we all have a story. Here's mine. Two people who have always remembered to call me on my birthday and holidays. They call when I'm absent for awhile. They even take the time to understand the hell that I've lived through and am now seeing light. They have told me straightforward my issues. I don't like naming people but these two have had such a history with df. Some see neg. Some see positive. Truth,they tell how it is. I know there are so many out there that have big hearts in this game. If your new and hear that many if us have been here 8 plus years,this is why. Thanis to Zup Who brought us together. So with a doobie,I mean a drink in hand,Cheers to Lilbadgal and Dognammit. Thank you for reaching out to a bald headed physco. And also to everyone one who has showed me kindness,especially Wolfs. Awhooooooooooooooooooooo. Cueball. Long live DF. Now I'm going to fly,probably not well,but that's ok.