Hi fellow aces,
A passionate and varied set of responses to my question, awesome! I've only been playing for a few weeks, so I've been having to figure out a lot of the unwritten rules, ethics, and slang the hard way.
I wrote the initial post as a result of a two-fold frustration. Firstly, when I joined the level 8+ games, I was suddenly getting my ass whupped with alarming regularity, so that messed with my confidence. So I thought that getting some altitude to bounce the enemy was A: My only chance to get a shot in before the inevitable shower of wood splinters, and B: Perhaps a welcome change in routine from a series of head-on attacks, a tactic which I doubt the real WWI aces would have used for long if they wanted to live.
My second frustration was borne of the in-game scolding I caught for using what I figured were age-old and basic dogfighting tactics, so that ruffled my feathers a bit.
To be honest, my tactic of bouncing (I won't call it 'sneaking'
) was rarely successful, as most of the time I got smoked anyway - I just had a longer way to fall. I only tried the high-level bombing attack twice, as it just takes way too long. And, funny story, the second time I tried it I got a bit too sassy and came in vertical like a Stuka, but only succeeded in bombing myself out of the air.
Lately I've been sticking with the more standard down-the-middle approach, and have been having better luck. It's all about aggression and confidence I guess. I appreciate the ethics advice, and will stick to the consensus - never go high when you have the numerical advantage. I know one day in the future, when I'm flying a sweet plane, I'll look back at the level 11 blues and laugh. It's reassuring to know that all MORAFS have gone through the same stomping-in period.
Whoa, I'm babbling, I'll blame jetlag.
Mac, your wingman tactics with Cricket sound badass, I'm jealous. One day I'll find a Goose too.
Watch out for the Spooky in the sun!