To camp, or not to camp: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler after bombing to turn tail,
To flee the pursuit of outraged defenders,
Or to take arms against a sea of reds!
And by opposing end them? To stay; to kill?
To compliment my approaching team,
Or should teammate bombers face reds alone,
To die at the last hill with bomb still clutched,
Devoutly wish’d to have been delivered
While my potential aid denied? There’s the rub;
For in hasty retreat what good did come?
When I left, my team abandoned to their toil;
Must give me pause: Where’s the respect?
Why should I seek of so long life;
For would I then bomb red's hangars in time?
Is it wrong, the proud man’s retreat?
But for the pangs of reds despise, taunts of dishonor,
The insolence of accusations and the spurns
A patient response, unworthy of my thought.
While red himself should hold his tongue.
Lest I remove it at spawn with a bare bodkin!
To grunt and sweat through a weary flight,
Only to dread of something besides my death;
The scorn of players, fair though their cause,
Doth confine the scope of worthy play
Makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than to fly as best we all might strive.
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus with grim hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
'tis bane to inspired gamers play.
With this regard my interests turn away,
From former restrictions of game play past.
Now to the sky as Pheonix reborn!
Beware all reds! My conflict is gone!