Dear Z,
I request you to kindly consider the following points
a) Fuel :
This is very important to ensure higher ranked players do not encircle the enemy base for a long time. This shall also ensure that players develop a strategy amongst themselves for the roleplay. Ex., higher ranked players shall tane chances in attacking the enemy bases rather than all of them assembling at the same time to ensure their dominance persists.
b) Dropping of Bombs :
The objective of the dogfight is to destroy the enemy base. However most of us would be happy to drop the bombs and fly faster and have an easier maneuverability. I think this is not what you had in mind when you designed the game.
Hence i feel to ensure a better credibility to the objective, we should be allowed to drop bombs only near the enemy base. After that we are free to engage the enemy. This will also ensure the players with intentions of dropping bombs near base are not targeted midway by players who have dropped bombs and have superior air power. This will also help you design engaging missions.
I hope my two line of input help.