I'm 44.
Hey listen, do any you guys have the PC game 1918: First Eagles. It has a multiplayer selection on it and I can't seem to find anybody on there I would love to dogfight with someone on there. Also high-tech nations and a PC company at least called "Iceberg Interactive" have come out with the new PC game called, "Aces High" it has a WWI & WWII multiplayer section to it. I've pre-ordered the PC game for when it comes out October 14th, 2011. I think it cost me $24.95. + shipping. The graphics are supposed to be really great. If there anyone else that's interested in the game, or has more information on it please, let me know. You can Email me direct at:
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There is a very good WWI naval submarine a PC game called, "1914: Shells Of Fury". It's real easy to learn the manual is small so, you don't have to spend a lot of time just trying learn how to use it. It might be hard to find it in boxed form but, you can download it.m One website is called "Gamergate". The downlad price is $14.95. There is also a good MOD for it. It's called, U- Boote Kurs West! v1.0. It should look like UKWv.1ENG.You can download the MOD through SUBSIMS.COM. Check it out, and tell me what you think.
I also have "Warbirds WWI & WWII Pilot Action Sim. 2- Pack". I haven't decided whether I like this game or not. Supposedly if you purchase a monthly membership You can get enhanced graphics. At lest with the basic out of the box game, it looks like to me the graphcs look like what I have with "Flyboys Squadron" The graphics are a little too cartoonish and like "Rise Of Flight" VERY HARD to control or even take-off. If anyone knows how to take-off in "Rise Of Flight", let me know because, I haven't been able to do it once!
Well, that's it for now...See ya in he skies!