So you wanna be a [M]isfit? Well, this will explain how the recruitment process works. This is for those that have never been in a squad before. It doesn't apply to those that are wishing to join that have been in other legitimate squads.
First off, we require you to be at least a level 10 pilot or Group Captain III.
You need to read our rules on the main thread and agree to them. Simply post on the main thread and say that you agree to the rules on page one and would like to join the squad. It may take some time to accept (or reject) you as we all have a say on who be patient if you don't get an answer right away.
Ok, so we've agreed to accept you. You will most likely get a pm from one of our officers explaining a few things, maybe giving you some instructions, including which of our 2 squads to submit your request to.
You need to add a [m] somewhere in your name. Yes, a lowercase m in [ ].
Example: [m]Comet, Co [m]et.
Then request in game to the squad that was instructed to you in your pm.
Ok, so you're in the squad, flying around with your little [m]. This is now the start of the probational period. A few things happen here. We all see how you fly in game, how you act, etc. Our guys will give you tips, help you out, basically anything we can to help you get a bit better. I would guess this to be about a week.
Once we, the officers decide you're ready, you will be given a chance earn that coveted [M]. We will let you know it's time, either by PM or on our thread. We also rely on our regular members who play with you to chime in on your play also. This is kind of a team effort here.
So here's how you do it:
It's real simple. Shoot a red [*M]officer down 3 times in a row.
It can be from your plane, chute, or your tank. You can kill the officer while he's in a plane, tank, or chute. You get his plane and kill him in his chute, that's twice...get him once more and you pass! But if you are shot down before 3 in a row, you go back to zero and start over again.
Do this in 3 seperate evals. Big [M] earned!
Here are some stipulations:
The officer you're facing has to be red and let you know it's time. If time is an issue or you're not ready yet, just say so in game. We want you to be relaxed and not rushed for time.
You can't pass more than one evaluation a day. You can have several evals in a day but once you pass one, you have to wait 24 hrs before the next one.
They can carry over to the next game. If you had 2 kills on me and the game ended, if we're in the next game together, you can still get that third kill.
Don't get frustrated. We don't do this to upset players, we do it to help you. We are trying to help you become a better player. See what you're doing and try to improve it.
I can't think of anyone that I know of that hasn't passed and got that big M. Trust me, once you've earned it, you will know what you did to earn it. And you will wear it with pride! And we will know that you are definitely a genuine [M]isfit!
Good luck!
Any questions just send any officer a pm or post the question on our main thread.