DD | v/hiplash wrote: Ok here they are let me know what you think
Lol, my banner's still the same. I was thinking about moving those words and designs to this new banner just like i said earlier in my last post. Think you can do that Whip? Thank you in advance. i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o528/horrib...sian_zps91f18ecd.gif
holy flying horse crap!!!!!!! DANG WHIP!!!!!! DAT BANNER!!!! OMG!!!!!! u have just made a banner for a whole new era of banner ideas!!!!! #speechless!!
Retired in the skies of Dogfight.
Raising Hell in the skies of Warthunder
The following user(s) said Thank You: Whiplash, Jasonmc
Just watched some more . I love the shadow effect and then you expect this nasty looking spider thing to show up and it's a loveable creature like that. Again a great job Whip.
...Along came a SPIDER...
The following user(s) said Thank You: Whiplash, Jasonmc
Since I started a squad can I get a squad one done too also to use on my squad post? For squad one I would like a P.o.W camp in back ground with a plane flying above the camp dropping a bomb if you could. And I want to change my slogan on my personal banner to say " Fear the Darkness" and slogan for squad banner thing to say" Welcome to P.o.W " and idea on personal banner we talked about that ty whip
DarkenLand wrote: Since I started a squad can I get a squad one done too also to use on my squad post? For squad one I would like a P.o.W camp in back ground with a plane flying above the camp dropping a bomb if you could. And I want to change my slogan on my personal banner to say " Fear the Darkness" and slogan for squad banner thing to say" Welcome to P.o.W " and idea on personal banner we talked about that ty whip
You want an image of someone bombing a PoW camp???