SnidleyWhiplash wrote:
FuzzyFlyer3 wrote:
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Fuzzy don't worry about it too much. I have long had the understanding that it's only the truth that counts. Even your best friends will misunderstand the things you say and do and sometimes no amount of explaining will help. So as long as you are happy with the truth let people think what they want to think, you have no choice anyway the only thing you control is the truth. So, as long as you are good with the truth it doesn't really matter what people think.
Well said Whip! Fuzzy you can drive yourself into the ground trying to get people to totally understand you, and it's always possible that your doing exactly what is bothering you so much. I'm not saying that you are, I only mention it because of the fact that it is over looked by the overlooked. If that makes sense. Here's the problem with exspecting everyone to "get you" or understand you all in the same way. Bare with with me Fuzz, it may help.
The fact is, that we all make judgements on things, people, issues and what have you by our own experiences. We all see life and what happens though out it a bit different because of our own paradigm. Like a pair of glasses if you will. Over time we subconsciously assemble this paradigm that we view all things thru, from the past lessons and dogmas we creat to cope with our own lives. The paradigm of each person is as unique as we are individuals. If you were to line up say 100 people, and explain to them that they are about to watch a short melodrama, and then explain to you what it was about. My friend even though these hundred people all saw the exact same drama play out at the exact same time, you would have 100 different explanations. That's because we all interprete things a bit different then the dude next to us, do to our own past experiences dogmas and our own unique viewpoint seen thru are own unique paradigm...... The only thing you really can control is one self n the end. Only a fool and youth would try to control anything more. That's why exceptaince, respect for others and an open mind to others beliefs is so very important. Agree to disagree, and let it go. Don't give the power over to someone else my man keep it for your self and use it wisely...... That is all for now "young Grasshopper"
Hope it helps bud.