hey all g.i.'s. i would like to put together a squad action with the legends at some point. we should try and get organized before we make a challenge though. i am available most nights after 8 pm. who else is interested in flying?
Welcome to Gunners Inc Squadron....Our squad is very close, a lot of great friendships grow within this squad. We welcome all pilots to our squadron. Our rules are simple: respect your squad mates and others within the game, no spawn killing or dropping, grace under pressure and fly our flag til the death! We're not here to preach a bunch of rules, this game already has rules in place. This squad is about playing the game, making friends,and flying the Inc. proudly. But again, basic game and squad rules apply. If you can follow those simple rules you're welcome to join. If those rules are broken you will be removed from the squadron. Gunners Inc. is the fastest growing squad in the game right now and we welcome pilots of all skill levels. We have game vets to new players and all gunners love their squad. If you would like any more info about us contact myself (gunnerzz) or c.e.o (slayerinc). Thank you, and now that we have a forum there will be plenty more to come.
=current squadron MORAF=
=current squadron officers=