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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388859

  • ..OWL..{WP*}
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If free passes continue  the game is going to die squadron leaders can we stop free passes and hopefully save the game post your answer squad leaders  
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388861

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I don't practice this and I invite my teammates not to do it...
Shooting a member of our squadron brings points to the squadron !
I only let players below level 06 pass !
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388862

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Thank you peg I'm just trying  keep the players from leaving if you remember  zup told everyone  not to do that since this started again there's been a drop of players that would have stuck it out  are leaving or left because if not on squad or prefer  not to be in a squad ODDS are bad and not fair if we play the game the way zup intended its fair and fun for all 
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388864

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I banned both players for constant free passes. I said long time ago this is not good behavior and if done constantly could be a reason for ban.
I don't think it is cheating, but it is a way of ruining the game for the other players when you are on their side and you don't help them.
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388867

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of course its cheating for the person getting the pass they are earning points they shouldnt have . i got sick of the passing  and stopped playing and  just because your a high ranked player doesnt give you the right to ruin games for those on your team
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388868

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I agree that this behavior shouldn't be a used. There's a time for it, and a time when it is not. I do, however, disagree that they should be banned. But maybe this will help. 
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388869

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I mostly agree with you owl. However there are times for it like if the game is totally glitched or when they are alone. As far as last night goes we were killing each other, but I can't kill in BTC right now. I got him once. You're cool man, and we got no problem. Hoot!
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388870

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ik denk eerder dat de spelers vertrekken als de hoge nummer de beginnelingen neerschieten, heb al veel keer gezien dat morafs nummertjes 1 en 2 neerschieten voor de punten.
Ze kunnen nog niet opstijgen of ze worden al neer geknald maar daar word niet over gesproken en is dat normaal????
in een echte oorlog schiet je ook je eigen makkers niet neer dat is de realiteit.
Ik heb er ook geen probleem me om teammakkers te schieten, maar dan moet iedereen het wel doen wand gewoonlijk zijn er dan weer teams die het niet doen en dat zijn gewoonlijk de hardroepers hier.
ik ben eens benieuwt als dit in orde is wat uil dan weer uit zijn mouw gaat schudden om weer eens te moppen dat hij denkt beter te scoren.
Je kan nog veel aan het spel veranderen, maar daarom ben je nog geen betere schutter. 
er zijn inderdaad spelers gestopt niet omdat ze er ziek van werden van de vrije passen, komt juist omdat ze niet goed genoeg waren en te veel neergeschoten werden en de reden is niet de vrije passen.

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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388871

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Well, I use a ban as the last resort but both of you have been told multiple times to stop this.
You also told everyone in chat you are doing it because “they got me to change the team balance” so you don’t play together in the same team.

1) I explained before, nobody got me to change anything. You are both top players in the game, when you are in the same team it is almost impossible to win any game. Most games were 4 o people, 2 of them were poor souls against you. It did not make any sense and everyone was getting tired of playing against the top 2 players. I, and I repeat, I, myself, decided it was not fair and changed the system so that UNLESS enough players are online, squadron members are not grouped together. Nobody else is to blame but me and yourself for having that behavior.

2) I’m usually ok with freepasses and with almost any behavior as long as it is not abusive. When every single game you do the same thing, it becomes abusive. It is not fun to play against you two when you are not attacking each other. Your team mates expect you to help them, not to sit around watching how your friend (and their enemy) kills them with no help on your side. Again, a few times maybe, but you are doing this now systematically.

The moment a behavior becomes a problem for everyone, it also becomes an issue I have to resolve.

just play like it is intended; red are enemies. Blue are friends. Nobody is asking that much. When enough players are online the system will group squadrons together.
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388872

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High ranked players against rank 1 , new players, ww2 against rank 1 ww1. At times with no teammates, this is exceptable. IMO thanks
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388873

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Shouldn't just banned 1-2 players for an example should be all the ones that are giving passes to there squadron. It is cheating and disrespectful to teammates you have opportunity to play on same team then do it
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388874

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well done zup those two where the worst offenders just because your in the same squad and your brothers does not give you the right to ruin other peoples games.many many times ive joined games and one of these two just sit on the runway while the other attacks .it got to a point where i would see them online and just close the game and not even want to play because i knew what was going on 
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388875

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I banned both players for constant free passes. I said long time ago this is not good behavior and if done constantly could be a reason for ban.
I don't think it is cheating, but it is a way of ruining the game for the other players when you are on their side and you don't help them.

Thanks. I had to quit the game because of this game ruining behavior and I know I'm not the only one so dusty is incorrect in his statement that free passes aren't causing people to leave. Like Dog mentioned, it wasn't even worth playing if Dusty and Frits were online. 
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388877

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    Hello, this is RandomPlane. When I found out that Dusty and Frits have been banned! I was shocked! I do not know how to feel about who is in the wrong and who is in the right now, because Frits and Dusty have been banned now, I do not know if it is like one of those things were you do not do a good job of explaining your reasoning for why you have been punished. Or because if you have actually done something wrong. That is how I feel about this. Huntress has been banned before and is now in the 303 squadron. If I leave the black rats it might seem like I am picking a side, a side that does not favor the black rats. If I join the 303 squadron, it might look like I support Putin. Here is why I say that it might make me look like I support Putin.

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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388878

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They are banned for 24 hours, if they change behavior it's all good. As always I give a chance and I try to get involved as little as possible.

As for picking a squadron, nobody is asking you to leave any squadron or join a different one. And you can also create your own easily.
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388879

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Por que zuper os jogadores Frits e dust contribuíram muito com o jogo além de terem certamente adquirido pontos com dinheiro.. eu também já gastei um pouquinho aqui no jogo e banir os melhores jogadores não é forma legal fiquei muito triste com essa sua decisão.. aqui também formamos amigos virtuais dust Frits .. ambos irmão parecem serem boas pessoas... e eram ótimos jogadores nunca tive problemas com nem um deles .. um deles moram Brazil minha terra natal.. fiquei muito desanimado com esse fato já expulsa os melhores jogadores. É muito ruím. O jogo vai perdendo conteúdos.  Não foi boa decisão com todo respeito sei que é o inventor do jogo mas . Não tinha outra forma de resolver o problema. Gostava muito deles sempre foram bons comigo :(
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388880

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    I also try to just stay as unbiased as possible, I never want it to seem like I am favoring one side over the other. Can throw me into the drama that I want to stay out of. Thank you Zuperman for trying to stay as unbiased as possible. People have only said that Frits and Dusty have been giving people the free passes. So I understand why you only banned them. When you are the developer of the game and your players make a forum post about some players doing some bad things, you can never ignore it because it makes you seem like you do not care about the situation. So you have to come up with the most reasonable solution for the player’s problems. If there are other people that are not shooting their squad mates, you still can not ban them because the players in your game only mentioned some people, not all. I understand that it is hard making those decisions for the drama, and I think you have made the best decision because if there was other people that have done the same things and you banned them, that would create a whole lot more massive drama! Banning them for one day is in my opinion a really good solution because you don’t want to pick sides, and more people are saying that those certain players are doing something, and there is less people saying that they are not. So you have to punish them. I do not imagine that you know exactly what happened and that is why I think you made the good decision to ban them for one day. You have to listen to the community of your game, otherwise you lose it! That was the best way that Zuperman could still seem unbiased, and I respect that he is trying to stay unbiased. I have been taking some coding lessons and I know how hard and time consuming it is. Zuperman probably does not have as much time to play the game and see the stuff for himself that much because he is always working on the game. Zuperman is the best programmer I have ever known because he listens to his community, tries to stay unbiased, and is always working on the game to make our experience with the game a better one. That is all I have to say about the decision that Zuperman has made.

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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388882

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Me parece mal, muy mal la medida adoptada, cuando ha sido una practica habitual en muchos jugadores durante mucho tiempo en este juego y yo me incluyo. Una medida hipocrita es lo que has hecho Zup. ¿Para que sirven los escuadrones entonces?. Y con respecto a lo de Free Love Ucrania, otra hipocresia igual. Lo siento por Ucrania pero se dejo llevar por los cantos de sirena de Occidente y asi les va. Que Putin se canso de avisar hasta que tuvo que tomar una decision. Revisar la historia amigos y encontrareis las razones del conflicto. El desarrollador del juego tomo parte al incluir el beneficio por incluir el famoso Free Love Ukranie. 
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388883

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I personally am glad you banned those two. It literally sucked the enjoyment out of the game when those two were in the room. They were ALWAYS there. Doesn’t make it very fun. I may re up if they stay gone. Yes…these two players were one of the big reasons I left, and I’d been here since damn near the beginning.
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388884

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Hello Zuperman hope you and all your love ones are doing ok.  I am guilty of this as I have done it occasionally and most of us here in the game have done it also.  I think OWLS post was looking for an understanding from squadron leaders so that they could inform their squadron mates about your rules about this type of behavior.  I think Pegoud was the only squadron leader to answer the call.  But I can see that a punishment action was taken on Fritz and Dusty already. Not sure if the crime fits the punishment. I understand its only 24 hours, I got a few of those myself for other reasons but I believe in this case, you should reevaluate the time lapse of that type of banned. You should consider maybe 30 min. or one hour; like when you team kill.  Mainly because we all know that some players have other agendas behind their complaints.  I can say with confidence that Fritz and Dusty are not the only players giving free passes; even a few of the ones complaining here have done it.  It’s not fair to just single out 2 players when others are doing it also.  Traditionally I have seen accusations and exaggerations made over these 2 players, some may be valid, but the vast majority have been fabricated because there is an agenda to get them off the game. If you want to knock off the top players, do it like VonKilmer has done it, by playing.   I do understand you might have gotten complaints about Fritz or Dusty from many players but as I stated there are players here that just want to run them out of the game for personal reasons. These are 2 loyal subscribers that for years have always welcomed new players to the game, taking time to teach them and NOT ABUSE ON THEM.   Many attempts have been brought up against them to get the banned permanently from the game and they have stayed loyal subscribers to the brand of DF Elite over all these years. These so-called complainers state that they have abandoned the game because of them and will CONSIDER subscribing back if they are gone. Really?? CONSIDER….to subscribe. I don’t think so.  The agenda to run the top players has always been there and orchestrated by the same bad apples that do not have the best interest in the game.  They tried to run me out of the game many times by trying to manipulate others and fabricate or exaggerate complaints. A true friend told me they have a chat where they select who is the next player, they will target to run out of the game or get banned.   But they couldn’t get me banned or get me to quit because I NEVER GIVE UP so they went after Fritz and Dusty. I know LukeSkystalker will be next as they have targeted him also and who will they select as their next?   Maybe Dunc, Alex or Monty as they have tried to do in the past.   Like I said most of all are guilty of not shooting someone.  I HAVE DONE IT, everyone knows this; but I also seen other players do it as well. They also crash before you are about to shoot them down, or team shoot you on purpose so their friend on the opposing team can kill you faster, or not help you against the enemy. There are other ways to ruin games and other players do it also. Do I email you for each of these offences? In my case I do not because I do not have hidden agendas.  The game is not losing players because of Fritz and Dusty it’s because we are not taking the time to HELP explain the game to the new players; something I have seen Fritz and Dusty take the time of doing to each new player they encounter.  IF PLAYERS ARE SO WORRIED ABOUT THE SURVIVAL OF THE GAME, THEN SUBSCRIBE! That is THE REAL WAY TO HELP THE GAME.   Since the situation has already been taken care of by zuperman I will wait to see, how many of those complainers will be subscribing and supporting our beloved DF Elite game in the next few days.
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Stop free passes 1 year 5 months ago #388886

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    You only unban Frits but not Dusty, what is wrong with you? They are brothers and they always play this game together! Why did you not unban Dusty!?!? Unban him, he did the exact same thing as Frits and Frits has been unbanned but Dusty has not!?!?!? Come on man!!!! Unban Dusty! you unban only one brother but not the other!?!? That is an incredibly sick and dirty thing to do! Dusty and Frits are like twins, they always play the same game together and they get along so well! I am a twin! Please unban him!

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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388887

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    You only unban Frits but not Dusty, what is wrong with you? They are brothers and they always play this game together! Why did you not unban Dusty!?!? Unban him, he did the exact same thing as Frits and Frits has been unbanned but Dusty has not!?!?!? Come on man!!!! Unban Dusty! you unban only one brother but not the other!?!? That is an incredibly sick and dirty thing to do! Dusty and Frits are like twins, they always play the same game together and they get along so well! I am a twin! Please unban him!

what are you talking about? The ban was the same for both. 

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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388888

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i dont want to see any one banned ( ive been there done that) but when dusty or frits just sit on the runway and wont fight each other and watch others struggle against a lob sided game they should be leaving the game so someone else can join .and like zup said he had warned them .i hardly play now but i can see why owl is angry play the game as it was intended to be played it should be fun and not hard work
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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388892

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Who's captain Sam he's a noob that hasent played in 8 months all of sudden he's voicing his opion something fishy going on  the on thing that everyone in this game should want is Fair play you go up in rank and your cheating the other cheaters  think it's cool but the people that play fair and play the game fair and with honor we know your rank is fake just like all who get there way to the top people find out your cover is blown and your back to nobody and no friends again like you alway were  

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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388895

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I think a way to solve it is making a separate room, available only for squads fight each other. I think this way the players who don't have a squad or enough squad members online can play without troubles in a "safe" room.


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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388905

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I have nothing against Frits or Dusty they both seem very nice and they are highly skilled players. However when i see that they are playing I usually wont play. There are two main reasons why. In my experience they are either grouped together with their squad-mates and outnumber the opposing team or one of them pulls a Pluribus and lands their plane and doesn't play. Both scenarios were not fun experiences for me personally so I played a lot less than i normally would have. 

They may think people don't play against them because they cant compete. Both of them are far better than i am but that is not the reason. Many times when i have been paired with their squad and we outnumber and are more talented team than the competition I would try to switch sides because i felt bad for the player getting crushed. So i an not afraid to get shot down, be the underdog, and / or lose.

I don't play this game to accumulate points. I  play for the enjoyment. I don't even know how many points you get for certain things or care for that matter. I believe the points obsessed players are the ones that tend to screw up the games because they are more focused on their points. So they bastardize and manipulate the game to earn more points rather than just  trying to win..  Its just not that much fun when they play for 8 hours straight and either they are paired with squad-mates and have numbers or they are on ssparate teams and they don’t try
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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388906

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Well said Lowden.Answer back to that fritz Dusty ZUP this is why your players are leaving  some people  Just don't care and the people that do are treated bad like they did something wrong.Blame Game alls I want is fair play but some people  just can't either cheating  or talking shit  bullying  or  all three Fritz Dusty you think that playing that way make you the Best cheaters never win in the end the truth always comes out if you want to talk shit about me go ahead I dont care I play this game for fun you play it because you have no life but this game your here 8 hours a day  you got to the top now your just here to talk shit and cheat  fritz said he did it because the other top players did it put an end to talking trash and point whoring don't get in  game and take a players spot and park your plane so you can screw over a team mate thats you don't like act like grown men and play fair is that to much to ask ?
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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388910

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. .
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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388937

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Dog you have an impressive PTR. Post to Thank You Ratio.  So do you Ace. Ace, you're probably #1ranked in PTR.

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Stop free passes 1 year 4 months ago #388938

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Wait a minute. I just saw Zup's PTR. Zup hands down #1 PTR.

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