zuperman wrote: the problem is that I don't know the answer. I don't have that phone and neither found it here. So me telling you anything would be complete guessing. I know other phones do not have that problem and others with the same phones do have the problem and seem to be related to the phone provider (AT&T seems to be a nightmare blocking the game on 3g for some), so ask the community which phone they are using that do not have connection problems.
Hi Zup, Hope you had a great vacation. I would like to offer some feed back concerning DF Elite. I use a HP Pavillion laptop windows 10. Key board controls. When engaging the enemy The controls become extremely over responsive. Especially up and down pitch. One quick tap of either up or down sets the plane and scope way to high or low. The increments are out of sync. If that makes sense. You either are under shooting or over shooting drastically. Throttle down has little effect to smooth out the plane. This gets worse the higher tier the plane I choose. I tested tier 1 up to the Sopw and allied as well. WW2 also. I actually have much more success with tier 1 planes in a straight on engagement. Now I also tested this in the practice sessions. There is no problem in the practice levels. Plane reacts perfect. Hope that this feedback helps you with your game improvement