Hey, Eagle. Thanks for the mention, which was a little out of context. As I recall, you arrived quite late in the game, and therefore had no understanding of what had happened before. I was basically giving back what had been dished up to me by a couple of your team mates. After several minutes of carnage on my runway I managed to break clean and start fighting them from the air. Eventually I was knocked down mid-map and decided it would be better to burn in my tank than in my plane on the tarmac. Well, I trundled forward, knocking a couple of birds down, eventually arriving at your base, smoking and bullet riddled, with an opportunity to pay back. Then you arrived and the rest is history.
I'm not apologising. I would do the same again. I have been spawn killed a zillion times and accept it as part of the game. I never whinge in the forum about it, nor do I wish for offenders to be banned. I just do my best to administer whatever natural justice I can during the game.