.Boudicca. wrote: Diesel you are a fk dik head.. Not just you have very high speed and you not happy with that,no one can keep up whit that. But you SK in DF so no one can take off. You such a low life player ass hole.
Hmmmm.....yawnnnnn wow Boudicca you seem to have a lot of days where you find something or some one to bitch about, and run guys down by spewing trash, so instead of calling you a low life $&@-$&@? Might I just suggest a better suited game for your intellectual ability, say "candy crush" its better suited for people who struggle with small things in life, less stress, seems you have a lot... Oh and BTW I never SK ! Everyone one has wheels up for 3 to 5 seconds before I shoot them down, try a little harder with telling the truth bud, you'll go a lot farther in life with less resistance.